
Responses from grislybutter

Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
probably not high-end but my Marantz 2252B helped me restart my journey. Bought it for $150 in 2014 and sold for $850 7 years later to help me upgrade/get a newer amp. Loved it every minute and still miss it...  
Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
thanks @ellajeanelle !  
Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
@ellajeanelle would you happen to know anything about their subs? namely Acoustic Research S112PS  
Need a big favor picking a preamp
@thecarpathian re jacobdad -  it sounds like: I am hanging out with you but I have much cooler friends than you. What an honor!  
can subwoofers make things worse?
I tried 5 different subwoofers, 4 of them made an absolute mess, also in a small room. It's very hard to get it right, if you have limited space and options. I am still better off when I turn off my sub.  
Help with speaker selection
There are so many really good speakers out there- but let me give a shameless plug for the ones I chose.   here is a list:  
Did your system getting better the more money you spent or more experience you gained?
I managed to get worse sound several times I added and tried new components.  Sometimes, if it ain't broken.... The better the sound, the harder it is to improve it, easier to go sideways/backwards - for me. Still learning.  
Your Not-So-Obvious Best Fidelity LPs
@paulietunes cool thread! Most of my great quality records are Decca or some German pressing, like the ones I listed.   
Your Not-So-Obvious Best Fidelity LPs
Les Humphries Singers - Kansas City The Shirelles - Lost and Found Harry - Harry Nilsson  
15 in full range drivers
complex music at high volumes can be fatiguing, even at the symphony. But maybe it varies greatly by the individual.   
Young audiophile metal head looking to level up speaker choice
I have been listening to Evoke 20s for 2 years. Happy with them but they aren't for heavy metal imho  
Vinyl is back for good and that’s exciting
@lewm I didn't think or mean you are a snob. (More like: I am a slob) You just have different (higher) standards. I am sure that over time, I will too be pickier about what I put on my turntable, e.g. if I have a better cartridge. I am experimenti... 
Vinyl is back for good and that’s exciting  
Vinyl is back for good and that’s exciting
@lewm I have no doubt we have different standards :) and I sure can appreciate your taste, collection and budget.  Yes, I shop at goodwill,, ebay, discogs, used record stores in very ethnic neighborhoods with thick metal bars o... 
Vinyl is back for good and that’s exciting
used vinyl prices have no bottom. They have become so cheap lately, with lots sold in so many places that $10 seems wild now. Maybe it will change, I am not sure what the life of a vinyl is, but it seems that there are too many copies out there an...