
Responses from grislybutter

you should burn both the amp and the speakers, if they don't pair well, it's possible they just refuse pairing.   
What's your favorite boutique speaker maker
@roxy54  I was thinking of Totem, but because it is such a "ONE-DESIGNER" shop, it feels boutique. Vienna is not so much  
What's your favorite boutique speaker maker
true, I should have removed Dynaudio, Salk, Canton  
What's your favorite boutique speaker maker https://www... 
Can recommend some non-fatigue SMALL bookshelf for near-field listening?
"anything Sonus Faber" except I tried the Veneers and they were amazingly bad  
SONUS FABER BOOKSHELF SPEAKER ADVICE: Lumina II; Sonetto I; Sonetto II; Venere 1.5
I tried the Venere and was very disappointed.  
Upgrade B&W CM4 to what?
yeah, then lots of choices 
Upgrade B&W CM4 to what?
that's a difficult price range for new speakers. I spent 4 months trying to find speakers for that amount and finally gave up, and jumped to $1600. (Happy ever since) Crutchfield and Safe & Sound has open boxes with steep discounts that might ... 
Please recommend speakers
totems or monitor audio, with a subwoofer until you get stands  
Big Below 15k used that can play loud as heck
what happens to your ears at that volume?  
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
I never heard any of them but if you randomly reorder the list, I can tell you that #2 and #4 are terrible.   
Can recommend some non-fatigue SMALL bookshelf for near-field listening?
I would have suggested the Evoke 10s :) Monitor Audio is a great choice, but not much base either.  
Just received my new Dynaudio Contour 60i in walnut
I absolutely love my Dynaudio speakers, I have never heard anything as sweet and musical as my pair of Evokes  
Sound System on $10K Budget
probably the widest ranging responses to a question. Some hilarious.     
Sound System on $10K Budget
1. I think 10K is the perfect budget, easy to find components that pair well 2. the 5K budget for speakers has the widest selection - in the standmount/bookshelf category 3. I would buy new speakers, used amp and a new source 4. I would stay aw...