
Responses from grinnell

Speaker Cable Recommendation
I have Kimber 8PR old style in a 3/5 biwire with my Decware Mini Torii and Ref 3A de Capo speakers.  Have also used this setup with a pair of Klipsch Quartets  Great cables for a great price  
Heavy Vinyl
@tony1954  My experience too   @tablejockey have to find that one   @elliottbnewcombjr Hadn't seen this wiki entry    
Heavy Vinyl
@elliottbnewcombjr Did you ever hear the 3 sided album on one LP? One side has 2 tracks Monty Python's Matching Tie and Handkerchief    
Needles for a Garrard 3000 turntable.   Google is your friend  
Oracle CD2500 MKI
Check HiFi Shark for prices  
Recommend me a DAC under 3k
Musical = MHDT  
Rotel CD Players
Look at the Emotiva ERC-4  built like a tank and has a DAC that can take digital inputs so you can also stream with it  
Help me select few vinyl LPs
Look for a Blue Note compilation album   One Night With Blue Note Preserved is a fun 3-4 LP  may have to buy used but a great collection of musicians  
Heresy IV vs Zu DW6/Soul mk2
I have a nice pair of upgraded (Crites Xver and Tweeters) Klipsch Quartets.  Baby Fortes.  Good bass, great live sound, use a 6 watt Grommes amp. and Not expensive  
What's the best EL84 amp?
Grommes PHI-26  
Is low cost DAC worth it?
I was surprised how much my used MyDac ( $125.00) increase the SQ of my CDP and streaming,   Buy used get more for the money   if you have time and can add $200  if bought used the MHDT DACs are very musical rich  
If the DAC is the same, how different do CD transports sound?
I had an Oppo 970HD connected to a MyDac.  it sounded ok then I swapped out a Tascam CD-RW900MKII again through the MyDac.   The sound was much richer fuller, the Oppo sounded thin.  I was pleasently surprised  
Pairing Border Patrol with Devore O/96
I would love to pair those speakers with my 4wpc Decware Mini Torii  
Building a 100 album vinyl collection 3 must have albums are?
Zappa Apostrophe Janos Starker - Dvorak: Violincello Concerto/Bruch: Kol Nidrei Anything by RL Burnside            
Hum in speakers
Ground loop  check turntable grounding