
Responses from gretsch6120

Down graded, with fantastic results
Global negative feedback?! I'm talking about listening to music. Getting rid of the Six Pacs was not a mistake, while I really enjoyed them, but I am enjoying listening to MUSIC just as much with my Jolida. That is a problem with the audiophile pu... 
Down graded, with fantastic results
I agree with the system upgrade! I must fight that urge! One thing that I will upgrade are the speakers. Tyler Acoustic's upgrade plan is a no brainer. 100% of your money back toward an upgrade, you can't beat that. While I love my Ref. Montiors, ... 
Down graded, with fantastic results
Jax2, what would recommend for EL34's? 
Down graded, with fantastic results
Yes indeed, purchased a new Gibson 175, jazz box! My new stuff is awesome! It has such sweet, beautiful mids. I was listening to some Wes Montgomery, he was IN my living room. Next came "American Beauty" by the Grateful Dead, the HDCD remaster, an... 
Source for low cost redbook CDs Great price, I have been using them for years. If you are into jazz, most of their sell for $7.99! 
On the fense: PrimaLuna ProLogue II or Jolida 302
I would agree about the finish quility of the Jolida, while I have not received my 302b yet, I have a Jolida CD player, great sound, OK fit and finish. Currently I have a pair of Tyler Acoustic Ref. Monitors. I will post back once I have listened ... 
On the fense: PrimaLuna ProLogue II or Jolida 302
The Jolida 302B can be had brand new for $750, including shipping! The PrimaLuna is $1345, $30.00 for shipping. That is a $625 difference. I decided to try the Jolida. 
WANTED: Help stuck in tube rolling insanity
I had a Cary SLI-80. I ordered a set of Amperex 7308, paid $65.00 a piece for them. They did not make a differnce to my ears. I went back to the stock Chinese, all is fine. 
Cary SLI 80 - anthing better for the same price?
If only I could spell correctly! 
Any every hear of Ram Electronics speaker cable?
Does the Canare make for a descent speaker? I have Canare for my guitar cable. 
On the fense: PrimaLuna ProLogue II or Jolida 302
I had Cary/AES Six pacs with a AES DJH preamp, that I LOVED! But . . . needed some cash to buy a new guitar, so I want to buy a integrated amp. These two fit my budget. I have not heard either amp. 
Differences in tube sounds: 6550 / EL34
I am considering two different integrated amps, one uses 6550, the other uses EL34. I am leaning toward the EL84 driven amp. What EL34 tubes do you suggest? 
Arghh Too Many CDP Choices...Help
I would suggest an unmodded Jolida JD 100. I had a Cary 303/200 before my Jolida. The Jolida is just as nice as the Cary, and about a third of the cost. 
Tyler Acoustic vs. Paradigm
Denvelle - how long did you own them? What type of equipment did you use with them? Thanks. 
Tyler Acoustic vs. Paradigm
I ordered a pair of Ty's Taylo Ref. Monitors with the matching stands, used in cedar, for $1340.00, with shipping. I talked with Ty twice yesterday, GREAT guy, very friendly, knowledgeable - a real pleasure to talk with. I love his trade up plan -...