Responses from greh
Help with jazz tune "Exotic Birds" Calbrs03, that's it! Thanks very much-I appreciate it! | |
South Florida Audio Forum Count me in-Coral Springs. | |
Recommendation for speaker wire upgrade Greg Straley's Reality speaker cable.Good Luck! | |
Cary 303/100 vs Cary 306/200 Thanks Rackon. | |
menahan street band...others digging this? As R burke recommended, by all means check out the Budos Band. If I'm not mistaken, the MSB consist of members from the Budos Band. | |
recommend me good power cable , thanks I've been very pleased with the TelWire pc on my cdp.As mentioned above, synergy is the name of the game.I've read great reviews of pc's from Agon members whose opinions and preferences I respect.They rave about a pc, I purchase that pc and put it... | |
Power cable for Cary front end ? On my Cary 303/100 the TelWire pc is there to stay!I have no desire to upgrade or audition other pc's.Sonically a perfect fit.Good luck on your search! | |
Manley Stingray EL 84 tube recommendations please Thanks for the responses. | |
Static noise from speakers I'm having the exact same problem as we speak. In my situation, it's my integrated amp that's the culprit and I'm strongly assuming your electronics could also be the cause of what you're hearing.I've been told it's either a bad capacitor that my ... | |
Need $1500 integrated amplification suggestions... I have the Tyler Sig's and I'm driving them with the Manley Stingray.The sound is good no matter if it's rock, jazz, electronic etc.I'm happy with the combo.Just my 2 cents. | |
Am I hearing the effects of "clean sound"? Thanks again for the input.I'm going to start doing my homework re: dedicated lines.No scotch at my friend's house.The point I was trying to make re: the weather and open windows is that there was no ac current going through the lines and I of our... | |
Am I hearing the effects of "clean sound"? Thanks for the responses.No, I have no power conditioning in place although I do have an Oyaide R1 outlet.Dweller, what I simply meant is that I could play my rig, not crank it up to wall shaking volumes.When the kids and wife are around, I like t... | |
Slight "Crackling" noise in right channel of amp Hello Fatghost,I had a somewhat similar problem with my Manley Stingray-also a tube integrated-not that long ago.It turned out to be a bad capacitor in the Stingray.Good luck! | |
Looking for some cheaper Speaker Cables-$600 or so I've been very happy with my Audio Art SC-5 biwires.I believe they have a home audition.They also advertise here.Good Luck! | |
whats a good older hdcd cd player? I'm still very happy with my Cary 303/100. |