Responses from greh
Zu Cables, Z cables and Jena Labs-your thoughts First of all, thanks for your responses.I'm having a hard time finding a web site or any info for that matter on Zu cables. Web site seems to be down.Went to Harmonicdiscord and couln't come up with anything.Any info would be appreciated.Thanks ag... | |
speaker cable recommendation Ive had the Nordost Blue Heaven Rev. 11's which is a biwire speaker cable. It will certainly give you the detail you're looking for but you may have to give up a little of the warmth. They should also be in your price range.Good Luck! | |
Virtual Dynamics Recall Received a call from Rick personally re: the recall about a week ago one night. Personally, I think this type of follow up is extremely professional, regardless of what you do for a living.Rick and Brett have been a joy to deal with and they certa... | |
Will new power cords by my answer? Hello KenThanks for responding to my thread. My system is placed on A Target equipment rack which I must admit slightly shakes when I press the play button on the Cary.My speakers are placed on Vibrapods that sit on mica board.The rack of course n... | |
Will new power cords by my answer? Many many thanks to all who gave their feedback.I of course will be purusing Audiogon for power cords.This really is madness!Thanks again! | |
Mitsibushi Montero TV ad song Many thanks to all for your help.My wife is so grateful that she's given the green light on the Wilson Maxx speakers that I've had my eye on.....yeah..right...and then I woke up.But seriously, thanks for your time and feedback. | |
Arcam CD92 vs. Cary 303/100 Just my 2 cents...I've owned the Cary 303/100 for about 7 months and I can say it's the best cdp I've had in my system at its price point.I also owned the "original" Rega Planet and found it to be boring and lifeless..a very overrated product.The ... | |
What about Cary Cd Players?? I have the Cary 303/100(no upsampling) and I'm very happy with it.I've read good things on the just mentioned Audio Aero Capitole as well.It's all contingent-isn't it always-on your price point. | |
Best Rock Player... Jupiter?? Hello Lazarus 28I am refering to the original Planet | |
Best Rock Player... Jupiter?? I've owned the Rega Planet and I presently own a Cary 303/100(no upsampling) and I can say without hesitation that the Rega was the slower sounding player as well as sounding veiled and uninvolving. I also listen to rock and between these 2 player... | |
Help/Major Problem David,I agree with Pops. I had the exact problem. I even went as far as taking my pre to my local guy who's been repairing my stereo stuff for years.After charging me $35 for a cleaning job, he informed me that there was really nothing technically... |