
Responses from gregm

Avalon Isis or Sonus Faber Liliam
Hi, I am familiar with these speakers (albeit not in A/B audition). What would you like to know? They are alike in that they both offer a competent, consistent, and pleasant musical experience and different in some ways -- not least in that the Av... 
Internal Power Supply Technology Changes since 1999?
The major diff, I think is the advent of switching / digital PS that take up less circuit board real estate (and don't get hot, to boot). As to the smaller size, surface mounted technology allows the use of very small components and take up a lot ... 
LCR phono stages we know about
"I would also like to hear from anyone who has actually listened to any LCR type phono" I have listened to the Ypsilon (driven by a Lyra, on a Yorke parallel arm, S Yorke 10 TT). Mind you, I just heard it: I never had it at home.Well, it is very d... 
Devore or Harbeths to replace my ESL63s?
Out of the spkrs mentioned here, the Harbeths are probably your best bet -- BUT the model you choose does not have much bass... Pity you can't go for the bigger monitor 40.1: it;s a very good speaker.Anyway, I think you can dispense with the AN, t... 
Stereo Amp To Match With Magico V3s
Your speakers are not an easy load, so first of all you need an amp with driving ability. That means lots of current on tap.Out of the amps you mention, the Pass or the BAT are probably the safest bet to drive your V3s.Now as to which one of the t... 
Stylus Rake Angle
As a consequence, I now never (even with two tables: an easily adjustable and measurable air bearing arm and a Triplanar) adjust for the MM or couple for various pressings. However, I was told to forget how weird it looks and really crank that bab... 
Speakers that do pianos really well
Apart from the ones you (&others) mentioned, many (most?) up-scale active speakers acquit themselves OK with piano. The dynamics of a piano & of course the nuances are hard for most speakers.Interestingly, Bosendorfer also makes speakers... 
Any experiences with FM Acoustics Preamps
able to drive proprly a pair of kharma mini exq.diamond 87,5 db/8ohmThe small monos (Resolution 111) should be more than enough for these speakers. Maybe even the Classic series 70W stereo could do the trick (I think it's cheaper than the mono's).... 
Electronics 101: Use of Negative Feedback; a Q
I believe that Ayre SS amps do not use NF in the circuit design, (...)I find that hard to believe, Ayre is a very serious constructor... Maybe what they are saying is there is no global FB, only local? Is that all that is needed, low output impeda... 
What should I upgrade?
IMO you should upgrade the Yamaha. Keep the item as a tuner, of course, and purchase a better amp. Investing in the system upstream will not yield the right results IMO, as the Yamaha will probably mask much of any improvement... 
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE
Any Final thought? will be purchasing this week.The very short answer is, Tannoy. From a sound quality, (resales) value, design, point of view Tannoy is the no brainer choice.With all due respect to the Magico. Regards, G 
How to ship CD's
I have sent a few & received many as per E's description. And yes, some have arrived with cracked cases. I ALWAYS cover mine in bubble-wrap & add a cardboard outer & put them in a padded envelope -- to no avail. Some arrive cracked any... 
Small difference equating to a big difference?
I wonder what differences you'd hear if these cables were hard wired into the component.In some cases a more "robust" sound with slightly better extension particularly at the top end.(Yup, i tried it in my youth...) 
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE
Aprica - you answered your own question -no?The sound from S5 is a bit "Brittle". Detail and refine. And 1 word that that I think best describe the S5. It is Coherent.Purchase the coherent speaker. Music is about coherence. 
Volume affected by uneven lengths of spker cable??
the left side is 12ft and the right is 7 ft. I am trying to save a few bucks when I upgrade to the next level of speaker cable from the same manufacturer.You'd be loading the amp differently on each channel, as mentioned, albeit slightly in real t...