

Responses from grannyring

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Like your input George. I would love to try your preamp in my system and compare to my tube preamp. I can't believe I even said this as I am usually 100% against passives based on my experience with these in the past. It's just that several highly... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
I could agrue that a tone control does nothing for stage size or sense of scale and ease? So I guess tone controls in addition to the active preamp may be reasonable? Ha! 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
We are on the same page Pubul57. Your comments are well thought out and educational. 
Here comes the Dude. What to expect?
Great to hear Glory. Enjoy your music collection! 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Actives can sound better to some because they like the change those tubes, caps etc give the sound. Yes, a good active tube preamp may in fact change the sound and that can be a great thing for some people.Larger stage size, more romance, or even ... 
Soundlab owners - room placement question
Me thinks there are very, very few Soundlab owners active on Agon. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
I agree with Dividedebytube (interesting username)Can this be used as part of a glorious active tube preamp? This would be the attenuater part? My very strong hunch is this unit will end up falling short of my current active tube preamp for the sa... 
PayPal Alternative? - What's your opinion?
This was not meant to be pro & con of Paypal thread. I was really asking if other Agoners have used this person to person electronic banking. Seems very simple and no fees. No fees really. Nothing hidden by ING. As far as account numbers etc. ... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Love to put it up against my unit, but no trial.Interesting posts however. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Trial period? 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Money back trial? These passives have always disappointed me compared to a great active tube preamp. They tend to sound small, sterile and thin relative to a great tube active unit.I have not heard this one, but have heard other highly touted ones. 
PayPal Alternative? - What's your opinion?
I'm not an expert, but since the ING "electric checking" does not provide customers with paper checks or brick and mortar locations, they have to provide some nice electronic options for getting money to payees - and ultimately to attract customer... 
PayPal Alternative? - What's your opinion?
So, do you never write a personal check to anyone? 
PayPal Alternative? - What's your opinion?
One more point: The seller would need to provide their bank routing number and account number to the buyer so this transaction could be initiated. This may make some sellers nervous, but if you think about it that information is on the bottom of e... 
What is Musicality?
My system sounds better then some live events I have gone to This is not always the case, but some live events have sounded quite poor.