

Responses from grannyring

25.00 flat rate shipping
Well, all that matters is the buyer and seller can talk and exchange info and be sure all is on the up and up. I always talk to buyers and sellers on expensive deals. One can quickly get a sense of the person with a phone call.I have never had a p... 
25.00 flat rate shipping
This is a huge improvement and a must for expensive gear that demands a phone call. Very good move Agon. 
Audio Kharma website
Bacon is serious and one of the most loved foods. 
DACs With Killer Built-In Preamps
Sounds good! 
When buying through Agon a buyer should always-
Yes contact the seller by phone! Problem is Agon will prevent it! We all know how to get past it, but sometimes the Agon police catch it and don't let it through. Again AudiogoN, change this policy please.I know your worried about folks talking an... 
When buying through Agon a buyer should always-
Agon won't let you send phone numbers in their system. I have told them the importance of being able to talk, but they ignore me. Nuts, it is nuts! Fix this Agon....please, pretty please. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
No idea, it just does. Give it 50 hours of break in and see for yourself. Just sounds like music. 
Stringreen, I am trying some of the Level Two IC's and thus far I like them better then my $1100 IC's. Very open and no weakness at all. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Oh yes the name ......JB JFX Premium caps. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Ok gang, I have been using a cap that is so good that I'm afraid when you hear the price most will disregard my comments. Keep in mind I compared it to the best - Duelund CAST copper.This cap came very close to the CAST and offers a richer sound i... 
Oppo 105 or PS Audio PWD Mk2
In terms of a dac sounding better then those players you mention. It's not the DAC that is most important. It is import however. Yes, many DAC's sound as good as those players. The real sonic breakthrough is losing the transport in the CD player. ... 
Oppo 105 or PS Audio PWD Mk2
If sound quality and convenience is important to you, then go computer and DAC. They simply sound better when implemented correctly and carefully. CD players and transports cannot match the sound of a well set up computer based front end.I have he... 
Cap values
68uf is common for the bass board, 22uf is not out of bounds for mids. 
DACs With Killer Built-In Preamps
Apple Mac Mini 2009 with 256 SSD, Mojo Audio power supply, Mountain Lion optimization and Amarra. 
Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice
Don't forget the April Music Eximus DP1. It has all you need in one package. No kidding. Read the Six Moons very detailed review and see why it was their top choice among many of the DAC's mention here.