

Responses from grannyring

Paypal Changes for 2022
 Correct on gains and losses.  
Paypal Changes for 2022
Let’s talk about non-audio. You downsize and sell you home. Now it’s time to sell all the extra stuff you have. Some of it is really great furniture, rugs etc…We did this recently.   Your lucky to get 10-15 cents on the dollar, but you end up se... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
Couple of more comments. I use the usb inputs only on both dacs. My digital front end is as follows: linear power supply powered modem - Network Acoustics ENO ethernet cable - English Electric Switch 8 powered with a linear power supply - Network... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
I have been comparing a fully burned Merason Dac 1 to my Mojo Audio Evo. Tony of Ellington Hifi provided me with a trial unit. Let me state that Tony is a great guy and A+ dealer! So my wife and I have been comparing both dacs over the past 5 day... 
Selling on Audiogon
Does this mean if a buy an amp new for $10,000 and pay the $900 state tax and then sell it used for $7,000 that I now must pay income tax on the $7000 sale? Some 20-30% of additional tax beyond the initial tax paid?    Double taxation?   I sell... 
Core Tech USBe Perfect
Ha! Thanks Ozzy. I see I was looking at the complete usb cable.   I owned the Ifi unit that looks very similar and did not like it.  Also tried one from Epirical Audio years ago.  Both took away from the music.  I am sure this one is different bas... 
Core Tech USBe Perfect
I see the price Is much higher on the site? Was $299 a special promo price? Also. not sure he offers a return policy? In the past he has not.    
Fyne F703...anyone owns the ?
Oh my that has me laughing! Well, if being 100% open and transparent, then I would say the FYCs are moving from being tolerated to being somewhat appreciated. While not love at first sight, I do sense a fondness brewing within her. Moving them mo... 
Fyne F703...anyone owns the ?
I will add this bit of recent learning on the Fyne 704 speakers. They need break in and I can tell you with 100% confidence that break in is very real with these speakers. At about the 110 hour mark they started becoming more open and boxless in t... 
Roon upgrade
Stable and great sound   
Any Nashville enthusiasts?
I live in Franklin, TN and love to meet up. Colin above is a great guy and a very skilled listener.     
I would not add bypass caps to those Jupiter copper foil caps on the output of your preamp. Stick with one good cap in that position. Bypassing can be good or not so good and I, perhaps nobody, has tested those two caps used together.    
The OP is just dealing with burn in.  OP, please update us in 2 weeks.    
The Audiophile's Wife
I also love Naked Songs! Just played it with TAW in the room 😁  
It will sound more fleshed out and not so lean after 10-14 days of use.  Needs run in time! Starts off thin or lean sounding.  No worries.