

Responses from grannyring

Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
If I follow Matt, and I think I do, he is saying the two dacs are both wonderful to him. Why mess with tubes, tube rolling etc, when he likes another dac just as much and even a little more and it has no tubes? I understand completely. All of us w... 
Romulus CD player--
I have owned the best direct and tried it many, many, many times.....it will never do for me. I must have a top flight TUBE preamp or too much is lost IMHO.I am reading that DAC thread. I see G sold his top flight SS pre and that is good for him. ... 
Romulus CD player--
Kana, we disagree on this. No problem as we all have different tastes.BTW the Signature version does not have to come with volume. One can have a Sig version with no VC. One can send a non VC unit in and have the Sig upgrade done.I have owned many... 
what amp under a grand?
One of the very best solid state amps I have heard is the CJ 2250a or 2500a and one of the 2250a amps is listed here on the Gon! It is a great amp and match for your speakers.I would say this amp is even better than the Bel Canto or other great Cl... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt, with top end gear it almost always comes down to preference and system/room synergy. I fully understand your first decision and thank you again for bringing us along for your ride. We can get a pretty good sense of the differences in your ri... 
Romulus CD player--
I don't use a computer and DSD is not important to me at all. Yes, the 12 caps and 4 resistors do make a significant improvement over stock. Suggest this be done to stock players for better music! I would never go without a great preamp so the vol... 
Romulus CD player--
Well the Romulus has had time for the upgraded Signature parts to burn in. The Vishay TX2575 Z Foil resistors, Dynamicaps, and the stellar Jupiter Copper foil caps. The music is even more engaging and inviting. Anyone with the standard unit would ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Yes indeed thank you for doing this. 
Speaker hum problem - need help
Power supply cap:-) been there, done that and your comments point straight to it. I would be most surprised if it was anything else. Can't say with 100% certainty, but perhaps 80% certainty! 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Yaaaa, this is really shaping up to be fun! I want to be there to listen :-) 
Best DAC to also use as a preamp
I would if if sounded as good as the unit in question! 
Ayre C-5xe-mp v Sony XA5400ES
Ayre is not an Oppo. Ayre is a much better sounding player than the Sony as I have heard both in the same system. Sony is more electronic or artificial sounding. 
The Power of Assumptions
Onhwy61 LOL! 
The Power of Assumptions
This is true of life. Whatever filter we decide to look through is how we will perceive anything. For example if you look for offence, you will find it. If you look for love, you will find it. How we view people, situations, relationships, our job... 
Subwoofer: should we even use them at all?
What JM said. Subs rarely sound right and you are much better off with a well designed full range speaker......if possible. I have tried perhaps a dozen and did everything known to man to blend them in, but in the end they hurt the music more than...