

Responses from grannyring

Intergrated Amp suggestions for B&W 805d4
From your post the Circle Labs A200 would be perfect for you! It has the power, tonality, and sonic demeanor you are looking for.  I have owned several big dollar units from the “big names” and they simply don’t match the purity of tone, body and ... 
聖HIJIRI Users thread
My error @rareace! Looking forward to hearing your impressions. I heard the biggest impact on my conditioner followed by my Integrated amp, then dac and finally my server.   
聖HIJIRI Users thread
Look forward to hearing your impressions @pokey77 !   
GIK alternatives
Thanks Glenn.  Perfect update.   
GIK alternatives
I had the very same experience as the above post.    
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
I agree with your post.  Well said.   
Is Tidal messing up for you? Would you Choose Amazon over it?
Qobuz again   
How can I tell if I am overdriving the amp or the speakers?
Please tell us your front end components and cabling on the front end. Also, give us an idea of speaker and listening positioning. Toe in etc… Thank you.  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
Actually, you may be surprised how good speakers can sound near, 1 - 1.5 feet, from side walls. Depends on many factors I pointed to in a previous post. My findings based on doing many hours of listening tests with speakers not necessarily sold fo... 
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
Very well stated @wolf_garcia !  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
It would be nice if your posts would stop generalizing about the ignorance and ineptness of most other audiophiles. Just a thought for you today. Enjoy your music and I do find your tweaks and builds most interesting.   
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
Sonic priorities are subjective and definitely play a role!   
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
Yes indeed @johnk. I will add that sometimes looking at pictures can be misleading. I have the Fyne F704 speakers which are one model above Jim Smith’s speaker. I have also upgraded the crossovers with top notch parts. I worked with a dealer who ... 
Looking for pure copper or Cu/Au bananas
Good point on Sonic Craft! Great source. I use a heat gun to remove the adhesive lined heat shrink pretty easily with no mess. Cut a slit being careful not to gouge the connector barrel and then apply heat. The shrink separates and pulls away. Le... 
Looking for pure copper or Cu/Au bananas
Wow! Just looked.  Interesting.  The DH Labs is the same part based on my use of them when Vampire was out of stock. They are equally good. PC has far too many out of stocks.