

Responses from grannyring

“Invest” in Tekton?
Thanks Kenny. My room is large at 34x24 with 10 foot ceilings. I like my sound full bodied, warmish, and big sounding. I don’t want the speaker to yell out "notice me" but rather I like to be drawn into the music with a speaker that is always at e... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
No problem Kenny. You don’t agree with me and that is fine. We need to be able to disagree and still have a voice and get along. All is good.I am however most interested in this speaker so I must correct you. I do in fact belong on this thread. I ... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
Well what is nuts to one may not be to another as it all depends on your circumstances. $300 is a lot of money to some. Just as the hassle and weight of dealing with large speakers is a real problem to someone older or with back problems etc.., Al... 
Clarity Cap CMR Impressions
My Lyngdorf 2170 has a built in dac and SOTA room correction. The room correction is easily the best upgrade I have even experienced in audio. Phenomenal! Cannot be overstated. Yes another thread for this truth.    
“Invest” in Tekton?
Agreed la10slgr.  
mundorf m-resist supreme vs jantzen mox and others
There you go! This question is very system dependent as well as subjective preferences. I will help you directionally however by saying the Mills are warmer and the Munforfs are more turned up in the brilliance area. You know your own preferences ... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
Yes yes I read the same. The Adagios were upgraded with better caps only....Mundorf Supremes. He liked the AZ better due to its more natural warmth and improved meat on the bones. Both of these things are very, very important to me. I own heavily ... 
mundorf m-resist supreme vs jantzen mox and others
I really cannot speak to the bass. But the Mundorf is not as warm or dark as you say. The Mundorf has some added energy in the upper mids and highs in my estimation compared to the more neutral Mills MRA. The Mills is warmer compared to Mundorf in... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
Love your post! I am thinking the same thing about over the top reviews. I am now deaf to them and question how long this particular speaker will be a darling. I continue to read about them, but have not heard them as yet. Too many have cried "fir... 
mundorf m-resist supreme vs jantzen mox and others
Sorry been tied up.....Fidelity is actually the perfect word and what high fidelity audio is all about. Here is the definition: "the degree of exactness with which something is copied or reproduced" So a component higher in fidelity is truer to th... 
Tekton Double Impacts
I use Herbies sliders and love them! Sound great and so easy to move the speakersas needed. Great! 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
@slowikpl What did you mean by "worst case" on the Duelunds? Do you mean they don’t have a tight tolerance? @salectric I have found how a resistor, cap, or wire performs in a given is completely system dependent. Completely. I tried the new Duelu... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Don’t know as I have not heard them. I just keep reading how resolving they are and that is good, but can be.....fatiguing. Those tweeters sell for $57 each at Madisound and he has 14 of them! Just tweeters. He sells the speakers for $3000 shipped... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Erik, thanks for your response on the DI speakers. They are said to be dynamic champs, but I do wonder if they sound aggressive in the upper mids and highs? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
You may want to just try Path Audio? They are wonderful. I used the nude Vishay in tube preamps and a dac. They can be ruthlessly revealing and in a speaker may be too much of a good thing. Overall musicality may be harmed on less than stellar rec...