

Responses from grannyring

Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Kenny you just wrote exactly what I am thinking and chose not to share🙂One box solutions without all the ICs, power cords, digital cables, longer signal paths, additional noise and complexity are indeed the future. No doubt about it. What is comin... 
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Charles, I am confident Wig’s system scales both ends of the db spectrum to his satisfaction. It does as I have spoken and emailed him directly. I am saying one needs to know what one wants in a system, understand the limitations of a given system... 
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
I do not listen at 90db as that is simply too loud for me most of the time, I do listen at levels over 73-78 db at times for sure. I think many aphiles do. We would all be surprised at how loudly we play our music at times. I find the better a sys... 
Devialet for Wilson Audio Sasha 2 Speakers
Yes indeed dealers can post and just let us know you are a dealer. Each of us can decide if these dealer posts are credible or not.   
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Thanks Wig. Very modest listening levels for sure. I am going to listen to Julian today.  
Tekton Double Impacts
@evolvist Yes indeed I love my Lyngdorf and I am well aware of the fact few here in the US own it or know about it. As a long time tube guy,  I understand the "cool" factor is pretty low on the unit. It is so understated aesthetically that many wo... 
What is your speaker ownership history since 1995?
I missed a couple including some open baffle Hawthorne Audio, Infinity Intermezzo monitors and others I simply can’t remember right now. Goodness. The ones I miss the most are the Dali Grand and Silverline Bolero speakers. Kef 105.2Merlin VSMMerli... 
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Kenny I like the Soundcoat product that Sonic Craft sells for the inside of electronics. Not conductive and works just great. Just to pricey for the bottom of Audio rack shelving and woofer baskets.  
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Kenny you can use pretty much any decent damping material with adhesive backing. Auto parts stores have all kinds like the brand Dynamat. Soundcoat sells a nice product that you can buy from Sonic Craft. Here is a link.https://www.soniccraft.com/a... 
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Kenny, mod that 508! Bypass those poor sounding binding posts! I know you have skills. Modifying that amp is not for the timid as I am sure you will find 700-1000 Vdc, not 375-500. Ouch!  
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Hi Kenny. No I am not, but I wanted to know more facts for the poster. If the poster wants a tube amp it seems like a solid choice. I simply have my system on far too much to run a tube amp. My Lyngdorf unit is just spectacular with my mods and th... 
Duelund DCA16GA
This is the seller you want. He is the real deal and who we use.http://www.ebay.com/itm/per-foot-Western-Electric-AIW-10ga-STRANDED-cloth-covered-gray-PAIR-/2316636... 
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Wig, I also run a single wire up the bass to the high frequencies with no jumpers. Simply strip some 5 inches of the Duelund wire and wrap around each post in a continuous run. No connectors needed for best sound. Now I liked the 16 gauge a lot, b... 
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
Thanks Wig. Enjoy listening tonight. I am doing the same! Do do you get your Duelund wire as yet to try as jumpers?  
Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?
@wig I have a few questions on your amp.- Do you hear any hum/buzz through your speakers a foot away? 3 feet away? - Do the transformers make a mechanical buzz noise you can hear when the room is quiet? Not through the speakers, but simply emanati...