

Responses from grannyring

Talk but not walk?
My Lyngdorf 2170 sounds better with the top off.  I also noticed this years ago when removing the top off of my TRL Dude tube preamp. The builder suggested I try it. He was right as it simply sounded better. More open and relaxed.  Sure, I know it... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Hot Dog! Fidelizer Pro! I love it!
Now you must add Audiophile Optimizer. The combo is wonderful!  
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
@maplegrovemusic He does need to sell a smaller size.  I did go nuts with mine and parted areas most would not.  I needed the whole vile 😊 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
@folkfreak Thanks for your comments! I found pretty much the same as you when I treated a few obvious places. The next level came when I treated my computer server throughout the inside as well as my amps and power supplies internally. Finally I d... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Based on the SQ benifits of this product, only realized by actual use, I stand by my statement that this product and other innovative spin-offs from it will be used extensively in manufacturing and elsewhere. I see it in power plants, medical faci... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I understand the cost concern. I really depends on how you view it. $300 for a tiny vile of paste seems extreme. I get that. However, that container goes a long, long way. You can paste several systems and still have some left. My experience with ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I am a mere enthusiast. Look at my posting and review history plus feedback. Easy to see I post on a myriad of different topics and am a long time member. Best way to try the product is to spend $75 with three other people and pass around the past... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
We agree that all posts should be respectful. Wether folks use it and say it is bad, good, or great is all I wish for. If owners say it is nothing special, then fine they posted real life experiences. Wether here or the fuse threads I just tire of... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
The assumed conspiracy theory would be humorous except for the fact that it is often used as a means to discredit and vilify innocent parties. It seems Agon may not be the place for the open minded assessment of cutting edge innovation. Innovation... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Ok I am sorry in your case. Troll like behavior is more accurate for your surprising post. Some other posters were from the T word however. No, not Wolf either. Just some newbee posters here looking to derail and agitate. I did not say it was perf... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
If the posts “seem over the top”, then perhaps the product is that good. It just may be that simple. It seems easier for some to attack the posters suggesting we, me included, are not credible, trustworthy, suspicious and not worthy in their minds... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Being an avid DIY guy modifying all manner of gear and building several tube preamps, amps and such, I can tell readers that TC is just wonderful sounding. I find the result as good or better than spending 5x the amount on upgraded caps like Duelu... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Problem is this. I agree with everything you said. However, Tim would be wasting his time and money legally as it common and usual to have skeptics in these hobby forums and no harm is being done legally. Go back and read Wolf’s posts and see it i... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Goodness this is just an audio thread. Wolf can say what he wants here. We may not like it because it is based on ignorance. I use the term ignorance in the sense that he has not used it and knows nothing about the product. Wolfe is a smart man an...