
Responses from goofyfoot

Quick Question About Power Cables
@audphile1 We have an Audioquet dealer here in town and they were recommending the Monsoon, giving it's modest price point. They did say however that the Audioquest cables are slightly forward but the Bryston is so relaxed, that a little forward m... 
Quick Question About Power Cables
@audphile1 My amp runs off of a battery with two power supplies. Only smaller components are plugged into the line conditioner. Prior to this Bryston piece, my bass sounded a little tighter. And, I haven’t had any issue with the Wireworld cable ho... 
Quick Question About Power Cables
@coralkong Thanks for bringing up the fuse option, I didn't think of that. I installed a Synergistic Blue fuse on my DAC and it did make a noticeable improvement in clarity.  
Quick Question About Power Cables
@gkelly When I bought the Bryston, it came with a $3.00 power cord. I assume the $500.00 Statement cable should result in a difference of some sort.  
Quick Question About Power Cables
Sorry, here are my components; Ayre QB9 Twenty DAC, ASR Magic Cord, Wireworld Starlight Platinum USB cable, Hi Diamond interconnects, Bryston BDP 3, ASR Emitter II Exclusive amp, Hi Diamond Speaker Cables, Quad 2905 Speakers, PS Audio passive line... 
Stephen Stills
I saw CS&N in the 70's. And, I saw Stephen Stills with a band that he found in South America. I believe that too was in the mid 1970's and I've never heard anything from or about that band since. Wondering if anyone here knows what became of t... 
So This Really Is The End....
Thanks to all for the input, the post lives! @jji666 yes, a very creative business model seems more necessary today than it did thirty five years ago. By the way way, I picked up a pre-owned Edwin Fischer Piano, Andante Label box set on eBay just ... 
So This Really Is The End....
@mapman One thing Qobuz or Tidal doesn't offer are those boutique audiophile remasters from companies like Analogue Productions, MOFI, etc...Anyway, given my current set up, my local file storage sounds better than streaming. I tried Roon but my s... 
So This Really Is The End....
@allenf1963 Never been to NC. I imagine there's good food there so could be worth a road trip. Thanks!  
So This Really Is The End....
@oiche_shamhna Yeah I hit up Plaid Room every now and then. But I live in Northside so that's a bit of a drive. My Mom shops at Spinal Groove. I remember Gary at Ozarkas, he will always remain in my memory as one of the nicest people I've ever kno... 
So This Really Is The End....
@mrskeptic I saw the one and only Grateful Dead show at Hara Arena. Also saw Buddy Rich and Mel Lewis at Gilly’s. Anyway, Bogarts is a small venue on Short Vine. I've seen some good shows there.    
So This Really Is The End....
Thanks all and sorry about the ambiguous title, never really gave it much thought. In this day and age, I’d make the assumption that many long standing businesses are closing everywhere so we’re all likely to be affected in some way. The closing o... 
So This Really Is The End....
@zufan Doesn't meet your standards, sorry.  
Can This Really Matter?
@sagur80 So your running this $1,000.00 cable from an external hard drive to a renderer/transport/streamer?  
Can This Really Matter?
@pedroeb I’m assuming you’re using the Diamond USB cable to your DAC. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to use an $800.00 cable to connect a Solid State Drive.