
Responses from goofyfoot

Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Just to clarify a bit, I would to some degree regret selling my table and phono amp. Additionally, I'm not comparing mono analogue to stereo digital, rather I'm saying that the quality of my digital front end is so good, that I might not miss play... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
reubent, I came across the name goofyfoot by a joke that I had made to my friend that involved Desonex. Hard to explain exactly but my friend named his band Goofyfoot and they played at the old Sudsy Malones in Corryville. I grew up in Hartwell an... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
reubent, yes I still live in Cincinnati, though I spent a lot of time while growing up in Mass. 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
I grew up visiting and hearing performances at the College Conservatory of Music, which my paternal grandparents graduated from. The Tokyo String Quartet in residence, the Juilliard String Quartet, student and faculty recitals, etc... I’ve also sp... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Someday in the future, I may have the possibility of picking up a nice reel to reel in order to play those $600.00 Analogue Production tape releases. By the way, who is manufacturing reel to reel tapes anymore? 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Septoplasty. I actually appreciate the resolution in mono, which is why I opted to keep it simple and keep stereo out of the mix. The other thing is that the Thorens tonearm is the weakest link and installing only a mono cartridge means that I don... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Yes, lewm, the limitations of my cartridge, lp's and tonearm leaves analogue at a great disadvantage. It makes since however to prefer my digital set up to my analogue set up given the inequity between the two.The surgery isn't life threatening bu... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
To All,I need to clarify that the only cartridge being used with this table is the AT mono. I do not own one stereo record nor any type of stereo cartridge. So that is special in some ways but also limiting. A possible alternative is to finish the... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Thanks to all so far. I might wait to see how much I’ll have to pay out of pocket for surgery before I post for sale. 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Thanks Russ,My digital rig is so much better sounding than my vinyl. Better soundstage, outstanding separation and position of instruments, tight and musical bass, rolled off high ends, rich midrange, superior detail and all while sounding analogu... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
millercarbon, very funny. Of course, eventually I’ll be able to buy a better vinyl setup than what I have now but that will be a little while. Yes, you’re most likely right but I still think that vinyl is overrated. 
Is Amy White Back to Black vinyl well recorded?
Amy Winehouse used to different recording engineers for ‘Back to Black’ and mentioned that she wanted a different but raunchy effect from both of them. I find that album unlistenable because of the way it was recorded. Compare ‘Back to Black’ to h... 
How does Donald Fagen do it?
Cisco is now Impex and yes, they released Aja in 2007 but Speakers Corner also released a vinyl reissue and I’ve read that it is the best. 
How does Donald Fagen do it?
Does anyone own the Aja Speakers Corner vinyl reissue? It’s out of print so I’m sure it’s costly but word has it, that nothing else out there sounds as good.  
How does Donald Fagen do it?
stuogawa, I have some friends that attended Berkeley in Boston. My old pianist from a jazz trio I played in when I was junior high went on to Berkeley after high school. Berkeley a little easier to get into than Juilliard or CCM but their playing ...