
Responses from goofyfoot

Burned Out
I spent some time in Odessa, Ukraine. I don’t know if I’d buy products there unless I went through someone I knew personally. I’ve seen shops there that lasted only a few weeks before they either moved or disappeared altogether. Most folks in Ukra... 
I just bought a Steinway which sounds like a banjo.
pindac, I did look up Steinway loudspeakers. I was surprised to see that they are still in production. Any idea what the flagship model retails for? 
Best Brahms Third Symphony
Herbert von Karajan is my favorite Brahms interpreter. He was director of both the Berlin and the Vienna.  
I just bought a Steinway which sounds like a banjo.
I’d recommend a pair of Quad electrostatics. I have a pair of the 2905’s powered by an ASR Emitter II Exclusive, an Ayre DAC with a Bryston media player. The speakers are very temperamental in the way they are positioned but the results are beauti... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
reubent, if you process the entirety of what I said, my comment was reflective on the point that 95% of new classical recordings are in a digital format. I'm sure that you have friends who love classical and collect classical vinyl but they are co... 
What is the average life expectancy of a DAC?
I bought my Ayre QB9 in 2007 based on hearing it at the dealer. Ayre has offered two upgrades since and the sound of each were worth it. So I have a current Ayre DAC but originally bought in 2007. I would research and try to find a company that wi... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
The thing about my vinyl collection is that it's very unlikely the majority of my pressings have ever been reissued. A lot of mono Archiv Produktions from the 1950's so getting rid of them would mean never hearing them again. They're not worth a l... 
I just bought a Steinway which sounds like a banjo.
If your Steinway sounds like a banjo, you probably need a restoration so call your piano tuner. Aside from that, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
I can check but classical titles are rarely all that valuable unless it’s a Johanna Martzy or something like that. The other problem would be selling that rare LP that’s worth $2,000.00. A record to me is only worth a lot if I’m able to sell it. P... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Anyway, I’m trying to find a way where I can come up with the extra money without selling anything. My power amp has been at the tech now for three months so once I get that back, I’ll probably reacquire my appreciation for playing vinyl. 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Those audiophiles who say they opt for vinyl over cd’s are not making classical music the core of their record collection. Choosing a Faces record from 1971 rather than a cd is an incomparable comparison to collecting the classical music repertoir... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Most of what I listen to are recent classical recordings or remastered classical recordings. I would say that 95 percent of classical releases today are in digital format. I doubt that vinyl will gain traction in that genre. If I do listen to popu... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
It appears that I’m getting hammered on about not collecting more records than the two hundred that I own. In my defense, the vintage vinyl that I own, which typically dates from around 1957-ish are all in very good to pristine condition. I have s... 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
Sorry, Carmen McRae for those of you who care. 
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?
A small private record shop in Paris had a Carmen McRay “Alfie” mono pressing on Mainstream records and they were asking 45 EUROS. I pain 8 dollars for my copy here in the states. I asked the owner why the price was so high and he mentioned that i...