
Responses from gonglee3

Speakers: What's MOST important to you?...
1) Transparent tweeter - Feels like a breath of fresh air after being inside a conjested room to hear transparency.2) The right amount of tension in the woofer - the spring. If you get it just right, the sound becomes round and 3 dimensional - sou... 
Sub recommendations for HT
Are Sub-woofers really for music?
I like a sub with music too - they add luxurius warmth to ther sound. Some music genre benefits more from it than others - Pop, jazz, and dance music where beats are important. If you have a speaker you really like, sometimes a poor sub can obsecu... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Budrew, Enlighten us with your great-sound-on-for-not-so-much systems - many want to know. 
The best CD Player for the money
Pioneer 525 DVD - you can find modifications on the web for it - sounds quite pleasant and affordable ($250). 
Any one got better results than with EAC?
Thanks for the detail on EAC use - it's a big program - not as intuitive to use. I should read the readme completely. They also have a forum at their sight. I will try your suggestgions. Have you tried decompressing MP3 files? Adds something to i... 
I need some suggestions for some new speakers...
I am thinking of getting one since they got good reveiws. In what ways are you not satisfied with them? Nice mid-fi system you built - you shopped wisely. Should sound pretty good. You might want to add a sub. I upgrade my speakers many times sea... 
How did you get into this hobby?
In Korea, instead of a starbuck , we have coffee houses with good stereo systems playing classical. I was shocked to learn that there is a world of beauty to be discovered, and we can turn on happiness by a button! Ever since this pleasant discove... 
Best or most profound sleeper product
Digital amps - panasonic sa-xr45, ear, sony receivers 3000es and up. Other companies are jumping on the wagon. Watch this technology - it will make quality affordable - we can now give them to our kids and our folks. 
Budget DAC Recommedations for Audigy EX soundcard
Look for them here on the sales listing and look up in www.audioreview.com Linx will be nice - 24/196 feature. 
Send music from computer to Receiver?
I use Yamaha cavit products. Improvement on stock soundcard for sure, but not as good as a highend soundcard like lynx. Has non-fiatiguing sound - USB hook up to by pass sound card for better sound. Has pretty good headphone out. Looks slim and ... 
Budget DAC Recommedations for Audigy EX soundcard
MSB link - 24/196 capability. 
Omnidirectional speakers. The future?
I do like the idea of omni direction speaekers and the way they sound. They sound pleasant and open - after hearing one, a conventional speaker sound veild somewhat in comparison. I have Sonus Faber with four tweeters on top, and sounds good. Rad... 
2 ch HT/music...hope to hear from the 2 ch purists
I share your father's taste in music - I wish I had 300 software on it like him! May be by the time I am his age... I too like B&W and Tannoy for classical music - sounds crisp and realistic to me. No offense to fastguy, but Soliloquy sounds ... 
Building a HT/2channel system around Piega P10's?
I am glad you chose to upgrade the adcom in a 15k system. Have you considered a krell amp? You can pick one up used here and ebay (more risky - use third party payment method on expensive items). Your second listing is a much better choices in am...