

Responses from goldprintaudio

3 great tube preamps. Which would you purchase?
Bel Canto dealer here****  A few more options that I think are a great match with your amp for what you are looking for:Rogue RP-7PS Audio BHK PreAnd if you decide you can live without having balanced, the Rogue RP-5 would be about perfect for you... 
New Joseph Audio Pulsar Graphene 2
Joseph dealer here****Having sold a few pairs of both new versions , I can say for sure that the Graphene models are a very nice update.  The Pulsars have always been one of my all time favorite speakers, and the new V2 takes that even a step furt... 
Advise on book shelf speakers less then $750
Surprised no one has mentioned the KEF LS50 yet.....you should likely be able to find a nice used pair in that price range. 
Krell Digital Vanguard or Parasound Halo integrated?
As a dealer for both Krell and Parasound, these are both great options.  But,the HINT6 is really the best deal/bang for the buck b/t the two as it's basically half the price of the Krell.To the OP, I'm in NC and would love to help you out if I can... 
A lot of hype about PS Audio, deservedly so ?
If any's interested, from a dealer standpoint, PS Audio is a fantastic company.  Not only do they build incredible products, they truly do care about their customers!  The DirectStream DAC is one of the best selling products I have, and rightly so. 
Evolution Acoustics
You have some very, very nice amps in the Apollos....and appear to be ready to make a big jump price wise by your list.  Can you audition any of the amps you have listed?  I would highly suggest doing so..... 
Worthy alternatives to the Aria for my RP8/Apheta 2?
Honestly, at the price point of the Aria, it's going to be hard to beat it with the turntable/cart that you are getting.  Are there other stages that sound fantastic with the Apheta 2, you bet.......but the Aria was basically built with the Apheta... 
Rega RP8 and alternatives in $3000-4000 range
LEWM -- All of the VPI tables with unipivot arms come with an antiskate device standard.  This has been the case for many years now.Most people do not use it however, as contrary to what tzh21y has found, the arms tend to track quite well on their... 
looking for the best cd transport only, without dac
The PWT is a great option.If you can find one used, I would also add the Bel Canto CD3t transport to your list. 
Looking for suggestions for a new (to me) pair of high efficiency monitors
I'm a huge fan of the LS3/5a, but would they be a good option for the OP if he needs/wants a speaker with a little more forward/up front top end?  In all honesty, it may be tough to find a speaker at the $1500 price point that will out do the Lega... 
Doshi Jhor 90W monoblocks
I've never read anything that was less then positive when it comes to Doshi, so I imagine the Johr's are very nice amps.Are you specifically looking for an amp with EL34 output tubes?  Or any specific reason you are considering the Doshi's? 
Looking for suggestions for a new (to me) pair of high efficiency monitors
Do you have a price point in mind? 
I took the plunge - PS Audio Stellar DAC and S300
Having heard both the Rogue Hydra and PS S300 quite a bit (I'm a dealer for both lines), I know them fairly well.The Hydra is a good amp.  I've sold more of the Medusa's, but both models sound fairly close.  Tube swaps allow you to somewhat tailor... 
Which Speaker Manufacturers (Besides ATC or PCM Feature Large Soft Dome Mid?
Good call on the RAM Studio 30!!....fantastic speakers.TaylorGoldprint Audio  (and RAM dealer) 
Which Monitor Speakers to Consider
Does not appear that anyone asked what your front end (amp/pre/etc) is going to be in this setup?  Important info that would really impact what speakers would/could be a good option for you.Also, is this going to be a true dual system (2 channel a...