
Responses from goatwuss

Bass traps: RPG Modex Corner vs ASC Tube Traps vs?
I own the GIK corner traps and I've got to be honest - IMO they are pretty crappy. They are fairly shoddily constructed, and I've found their performance to be so-so.In the case of room acoustic treatments, you get what you pay for. I'm not famili... 
B&W 802 Diamond Stands
Sounds like you have them dialed in - very nice! I've found that big B&Ws like big amps - those new Classes should bring things up a notch or two 
Suggestions please: upgrade from Dynaudio S1.4
For classical and piano, yes you may like Harbeth better. IMO Harbeth's are less neutral than dynaudio, and also less dynamic - so for me, that isn't a good thing. Looks like Pdreher feels differently moving to a Harbeth from a C4. I wonder if the... 
Suggestions please: upgrade from Dynaudio S1.4
Harbeths don't rock like Dynaudios.Go for the S5.4, and if you can afford it, the C4. 
B&W 802 Diamond Stands
Thanks for the comparison - that's about what I would have thought. With the 802 having bigger drivers and much more cabinet volume they are going to have much more bass impact. The tricky thing is making it work in a smallish room without having ... 
B&W 802 Diamond Stands
How do the 802 Diamonds sound in comparison to the Piegas? My friend has C3LTDs which sound great, and I've always liked the 802 series... 
MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge
Feil and Stan - You guys crack me up! I've got this image in my head of audiophiles with nunchucks. LOL!! 
Just got my Dv20X2 H had a question
Are you setting azimuth by measuring crosstalk or just visually? 
2.0 or 3.0 or 4.0 for HT Movie Audio?
If you are sitting in the middle between your speakers, and the speakers aren't total garbage, then there is no reason to add in a center channel.What is it doing for you? Dialog will already be anchored dead center for you.If you have a bunch of ... 
Speaker Recommendation for iDecco
How far are you sitting from the DS4.5? They are designed to be listened to right in the nearfield ie. on a desk as computer speakers. I have mine setup like this and I think they are completely great.If you are sitting a few feet away from them, ... 
Heavy table on Target vw1 'pro'?
Well, I got mine mounted to the wall with long wood screws on either side into studs, and a screw in a metal EZ anchor in the middle. It seems to be pretty stable and sturdy. Granted, I still have questions, ie. why do the little metal leveling ro... 
AV123 LS6 Line Source up and running
Hey guys,I just saw that this thread had been revived.I've since moved on from the LS6. I really enjoyed them at the first apartment I was at when I was running Anthem ARC to tame the huge bass output. At the new place I was running an analog prea... 
Stand out phono stages
I took home an ASR Mini Basis Exclusive to compare to my PS Audio GCPH. I wasn't planning on making a change at all, but it sounded night & day so much better that I bought one.Compared to the ASR, the PS audio sounded thin and compressed. If ... 
Heavy table on Target vw1 'pro'?
Just to follow up on this - the hole through the metal piece is only 5mm in diameter, and the smallest lag screws the hardware store had are 1/4". Am I missing something? 
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
Any speaker will sound like mid-fi if it's setup wrong. The better B&Ws, when setup right, are definitely hi-fi. Whether or not they are the right speaker for "person X" is another topic.