
Responses from gmorris

SACD feature of Sony DVP-S9000ES
Tommart:From first hand experience, the 9000ES does not have a more "accurate midrange" than the SCD-1. In fact the SCD-1betters the 9000es in virtually every musical category. 
Sony SCD-1 vs SCD-777es?
I own the SCD-1. Stereophile recentlly rated the 777ES as A+ (the same as the SCD-1 and the Marantz SA-1). I have not heard the 777ES in my system, however for SACD playback, the reports (see Audio Asylum) seem to indicate that they were very clos... 
Sony SACD Monsters: Already Obsolete?
Massvm:The SCD-1 has not been discontinued as far as the current press releases are concerned. According to the dealers, the 777 has indeed been discontinued. 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
Steve:Cables are not AC. A Cable is a medium which allows the transport of both AC and DC. Since you are so "picky" you should be more precise in your statements.I see you have found an audio "soul mate" in 70242.241.I suppose it takes someone who... 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
Stevemj:It is not simply AC vs DC and Ohm's law as you are suggesting. The energy transport from source to sink is vey complex. There are no exact models. I think that you have added to the old adage: " a little knowledge can sometimes be dangerou... 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
No money:You should work for the State Department, so diplomatic.Obviously, stevemj has an "axe to grind" and is not interested in any opinion but his own. It is to his detrement that he is so closed minded about an issue that can be easily resolv... 
Another glowing reveiw of sony 9000es
I thought that infants were prohibited from contributing to this site. 
Lyra Lydian B experience required
I have not used the EAR phono preamp. However, according to reports, it has a warm sonic balance. The Lydian/ARC PH2 sounded rich in my system with the Oracle MK V SE and either the ZETA or Graham 2.0 arms. The Graham 2.2 has a warmer tonal balanc... 
Upgrade to balanced XLR interconnects?
Jafox:Your observation about a rolled off top end with the transparent ultra interconnect may be true for your system and room. However, I have to disagree with the generalization of your experience. I am using a 15 ft balanced Transparent Ultra X... 
Another glowing reveiw of sony 9000es
To Ears, et al. :I own the Sony SCD-1. I also own the 9000ES which I purchased for a HT based system. The 9000ES is a very good SACD player, fine Red Book player and a super DVD player. However, It is surpassed, easily, by the SCD-1 in terms of mu... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
For power amps, the RGPC is a great performer.I use a pair on my ARC VT100 MKII with excellent results 
CAT vs. AR LS25 vs. AR Ref 1 vs. Hovland
Congrats Mgx1138:I also own the LS25 (the MKI version with NOS tubes)I think it is a very underrated performer. It simply gets out of the way and allows my system to make beautiful music.The tonal balance (with NBS power cable) is on the "slightly... 
Magnepan vs Quad
I would keep the 3.5s and buy a good subwoofer. Properly integrated, you will have a full range speaker system which would be comparable with if not more musical than some very expensive dynamic speakers (to wit, the Revel Studios, etc.)Remember, ... 
Arm to use with Lyra Helikon
try using 100 ohms loading with your ARC PH3. However, give your system another couple of weeks of playing time and lower the VTA as suggested above. Be patient. Analog does not provide "instant gratification," but the long term rewards are worth ... 
Another glowing reveiw of sony 9000es
This "hint" was not based on actual listening tests. This was purely speculative.Please try to be factual.