
Responses from gmood1

Magnepan MMG's just arrived
Congrats on the Maggies Dave43.I heard the MMGs at a friends house on a vector integrate 60 wpc also paired with a Adire active sub. Sounded damn goood!!!! I am using a Panny SA-XR25 on a pair of 2.5Rs. With very good results. Had to take the silv... 
Vandersteen 2ci: what a pleasant surprise
I hear ya Gemini..This is what I enjoy most about the hobby. Finding gear that doesn't cost an arm an a leg but is musical and pleasing! I am not looking for an end to all sound(because no such thing exist at any price). That would make things pre... 
Speakers to compare to Paradigm Studio 100 V.3
I will have to agree with most posters.There are things about the Paradigms 100 v3s I like. But the sound is a little boxy on the low end.I would look into and all Magnepan setup and find a nice sub or two with tight low end bass.They have a new l... 
Now I'm confused, Sonus Fiber Grand Piano's?
Did you check the speaker cables they used on the Sonus Fabers. Some of those salesmen at tweeter are pretty slick.Some of the speakers are hooked up with a pair of Monster cables with some kind of module on it .It seems to boost the bass output o... 
Anyone hear/purchase GMA Continuum 3's?
Oh yeah while your at it ...pick up one of those Panasonic all digital recievers and get your mind blown! That's if your into cds. Decided to try one on the Europas o man anyone with a decent pair of ears will truley be impressed by the qua... 
Anyone hear/purchase GMA Continuum 3's?
I am using Lovan's 24 inch stands which can be filled.They work well for me.As long as the stands are nice and sturdy..along with the proper height for your listening you should be good to go. 
Monarchy Audio SM-70 & B&W Nautilus 803
If you can swing it ..get the SM-70 PROs.They have more current and can handle low impedances better than the regular SM-70s.Great sounding amps all of them !!Good Luck! 
Anyone hear/purchase GMA Continuum 3's?
Well said Bombaywalla! By the way.. that was a nice review of the C1.5i...I really enjoyed reading it.Happy Holidays! 
which amp for definitive technology bp2006?
Snicka checkout the Adcom 555 MKII or maybe a two channel Aragon.Both should handle the Deftecs with ease and both can be had for $400.00 and under.Good Luck! 
How does ATI AT2007 amps sound?
Privateparty thanks for the info..your comments make perfect sense to me. 
A few questions for Green Mountain Europa owners
Dennisj I have experienced the same thing.Having owned 8K to 10K in audio gear at one time or another.This inexpensive system stomps a mud hole in it ...for pure musical enjoyment.Thats the only thing that truley matters to me.This will be the las... 
A few questions for Green Mountain Europa owners
Hello Tcbannon I also own the Europas. They are powered by a Adcom 535 MKII 60 wpc and a Dared SL-2000a tube preamp.I concur with the other posters these speakers have no real signature of their own. You can make them sound the way you want ..just... 
High efficiency speakers for home theater?
Soliloquys will rock out with very little power. And are great for music as well.Good Luck! 
Maggie 1.6QR amplification questions
I would give the Anthem a chance..since you are familiar with it and see what happens.No need to drop $1500 unless it's burning a hole in your pocket! LOLEnjoy the Maggies! 
Green Mountain Audio still in business?
Thanks Bombaywalla..what I like most about these speakers.. is how close they come to the speed and resolution of a magneplanar or electrostatic speaker.Any box speaker that can do that is well designed IMHO!