
Responses from glupson

What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.
I recently read an interview, basically a statement/explanation, by a director of a tin foil manufacturing company. He said that sides are different because of the process that involves rolling. Apparently, neither side is the "right" one. Both ar... 
The best TT system for under 30K
It seems like the beginning of a wonderful friendship. 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
manorraul,My question about North Korea was a comment of sorts to a post that preceded it and which mentioned North Korea, nuclear bombs, and in some convoluted way connected that to China, all supposedly having something to do with amplifiers. Th... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
Back to, maybe even Chinese, look-alikes.What is the deal with Technics SL-1200 turntable and some others that, to me, look quite similar? Pioneer, audio-technica, and maybe some more.How did that go? Is there some design patent that had expired, ... 
The best TT system for under 30K
"sorry I am confused correct Frank Kuzma."Franc Kuzma, (ne Frank Kuzma). 
What exactly is textural density??
" thing that struck me over the " a race car with fresh, sticky tires " comment is the fact that cold 'fresh, sticky tires' on a race car can fail to stick..."Good catch, even if I say so, as that was my thought in my first post here. I did... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
mahgister,"The fact that thephilosophy of your time has no appeal to you does not means the same thing in your case than in the case of Goethe... "I beg to differ. It is about the same for Goethe and me. He might have been great at some things, bu... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
dweller,"glupson - You failed to mention that I capitalized the word "Hate" in the last sentence.Pretty sloppy..."I might have overestimated your style. I thought that capitalized "Hate" is a stylistic figure of giving it presence, demonizing it i... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
"Goethe was so intelligent that the philosophy of his time has no appeal to him..."The philosophy of my time has no appeal to me, but I am aware that intelligence is overrated."...he was speaking almost all main European languages..."Much bigger b... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
dweller, I beg your pardon...BTW, It’s Math not Maths... (even my spellchecker flagged this one).Now about that slave labor...And " killing all spirit by the "noble" british empire" -Better work on your Hate as well, bub...Is "It’s" after a comma ... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
mahgister,Nothing to do with China, or Paris, but a little piece of unimportant info you may find interesting... The first commercial compact disc was produced on 17 August 1982. It was a recording from 1979 of Claudio Arrau performing Chopin wal... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
"The french of Rabelais, Racine and Rimbaud....."My friend’s grandfather used to teach, better to say forced, him and his brother to speak French. It was from some older books. I am not sure as old as Rabelais, but not current. The boys learned as... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
I was just trying to point out that you are not lazy, but that you simply advanced to next level. 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
"Being lazy i deduced the meaning of the words often from the context without going much in a dictionary at the times..."That is how you actually learn it in, let's call it, "second stage". First you go to the dictionary and once you start getting... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
"Above is relevant to this thread because we shouldn’t buy Chinese hi-fi, knock-off or legit."This thread is not, at least according to OP, about your fears and righteousness. It is about sound quality of Chinese knock-offs. Ramblings about taking...