
Responses from glupson

Best integrated for my purposes - help me choose 1 of 3!
"Ah, my favorite song is coming on again. It goes, "Raven Raven Raven, Tekton Tekton Tekton, Raven Raven Raven, Tekton Tekton Tekton."Wrong lyrics, it goes "Eric, Eric, Krissy, Eric, Tom, Dave, Ted, Tom, Ted, Dave, Krissy, Eric, Eric, Eric" 
Best integrated for my purposes - help me choose 1 of 3!
"In the long run an amp like the Raven will have you happy and smiling probably for the rest of your life..."He meant "until the tube needs replacement, which is just around the corner" so skip the Raven. Which, indeed, could be recommended althou... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"Or Nilsson Schmilsson, Coconut, holy crap!"Coconut, Better Version, in digital...The Muppet Show: Put the Lime in the Coconut - YouTube  
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"Digitizing vinyl? defeats the whole purpose of buying vinyl."Many (most) people are not buying vinyl anymore. They are digitizing collections that they already have, often only records that are not commercially available in digital forma... 
If you hopped into your time machine and brought back audio gear- what would it be?
Proper Disco ball with accompanying lights and one more ball with lights built in.They don't build them like they used to. 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"Often I have to resort to other means like drag and drop to get things autotagged"This may be the world's first opportunity to use the word "semi-autotagged".I did not even know that such a program exists so I always write all the metadata in by ... 
Please Educate Me
paul6001, ”Conceptually, logically, I don’t know why it isn’t.”Doesn’t that invite a response, doesn’t that ask somebody to inform me why it does? No, it does not. It is a part of your musings, not a question by any means."Glupson, you got me. A ... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"I play records only once these convert to digital for future playback while I listen."I used to do that and then I read somewhere, probably on Audiogon, that I should play it two times. First pass to remove whatever minuscle debris ... 
The Weekend
"Didn't Michael Jackson lip sync? He curiously sounded almost exactly like the recordings."One time I saw and heard him, he did sound very close to recordings. Just a little more of a, believe it or not, growl at times. Music was different, but he... 
Is Luxman a poor man's D'Agostino ?
   "...bought Luxman listening to the amateur here on audiogon..."Not many here are audio professionals. 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
" shows once again ingenuity and quality wins in the end."Does Tom know Eric? 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
I found what has to say about demagnetizing."It's critically important to demagnetize your speakers and cables at least ten minutes before listening."What is that all about? Aren't speakers supposed to function on magnetism, som... 
Takedown of pricey servers, streamers OCD HiFi guy
" an analog front end and you bypass all the format wars..."There is no format war. We all agree that cassette is much better than LP. 
Is Luxman a poor man's D'Agostino ?
Luxman is much prettier. 
Please Educate Me
"Repeat: OP asks a reasonable question."OP, in fact, did not ask a question. She/he posted her/his musings and informed us of activities.