
Responses from glupson

Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
millercarbon,This was too weak, even from you.Now, when thecarpathian reminded me, how is my record coming along? Are we still in for Tuesday before 8pm? Could you push it to Tuesday morning? I was hoping to take it to my friend to listen to it th... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
lexx21,Thanks for the offer although I do not know where you are located.I am aware of analog (mostly vinyl in my case) as I have bought more records than CDs over the last, let's say, year. In another thread, I bought one of those White Hot Stamp... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
has2be,I am just trying to help you stop your incomprehensible ramblings. You can continue insulting me all you want, but it does not look good. 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
" is nothing better than streaming obscure songs of my youth effortlessly (Dr. Hook and the medicine show anyone?)"Are you saying that you do not already have Dr. Hook CD? 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"I was blown away and told Tom so."Is it expected that a buyer sends a thank you note or something like that? It seems that people do call Tom more often than I would expect from simple business transaction. 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
Going back to the topic.Some digital may attempt to emulate the sound of analog/vinyl. That is digital aimed at certain demographics. A little past their prime, who grew up listening to records, currently have enough disposable income to be extrac... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
has2be,I am not sure if you have noticed it, but you have been insulting me in virtually every post you have posted and multiple times in each of those posts. It does not look good. Do not embarass your grandchildren."So what amazingly produced mu... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
has2be,"... obviously you don’t have the ability or patience to do or comprehend. .."!!! ... insults don’t quite do that..right... Well said.By the way, I am aware that vinyl/analog has improved over the last century, or so. Not much, over the la... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
chakster,I am well aware that it is possible to sell a record for a lots of money in February 2021. That is why I mentioned it may be time to sell it now. While there is still someone who wants to buy it. Of course, if you start a little business ... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
has2be,It may be the age difference between us that makes your posts logically incomprehensible. It is my fault for trying to understand them.Your choice of a CD player is impressive, but has2be a little inconvenient when going around town. Being ... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
"It’s like a piece of art (original) versus digital print (a copy)."You are aware that some of the "originals" were made in millions of samples? Could we call them "copies"? 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
"Records have value, and prices goes up in time for rare stuff, people with quality records are rich in a good way. It’s an investment."That is true, but you have to sell it.While investing in it, you may need to consider the market size for that ... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
"The standard has, for decades now, been digital. 17-year-olds do not even know what you are talking about.".............That’s hilarious. Kind of proves the point that analog is the standard digital attempts to copy.... flattery as its known........ 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
"Vinyl advocates should just admit it - they are chasing the memory of sound they grew up with..."You said it! (and I agree with it) 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
skypunk,Veggie burger is fine. Of course, I remove tomato.I came across a number of children over the years, but those inflatable devices were not popular when I was growing up. We had to learn how to swim independently by the age of 4, or so.