
Responses from glupson

Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
millercarbon,"When they want to know something they ask me directly.They get the same great high quality information..."Seriously, can you tell us one area of strength where you can give high quality information without some political excrement or... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"...we can only dream of the day they back off to the level of tomfoolery."Now you are calling Tom a fool? 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
skypunk,You are a charming man of wealth and taste. You could easily lower the price down to $600. 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
I found the best part of the experiment that thing about a digital watch. If that really played the role, it would be time for live music only. 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"Not unless it comes with Norah Jones sitting and listening to it with me. I would pay $600 for that."FAQs About Booking Norah Jones | AAE Music Hire Norah Jones for a Corporate Event or Performance Booking. (  
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
tuzarupa,"...on a piece of vinyl that will eventually decay..."A little earlier in the thread, there was a statement that records do not decay (or some other wording of that statement). Allegedly, I mean according to millercarbon, that was the rea... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
Is that why Linn did eventually start making digital equipment?Or was it money? 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
onlyqualityhifi,I ordered my record out of curiosity and I am not planning to send it back regardless of quality, unless it is not the record I ordered. I am really interested if there is such a big difference as stated in OP and by few others who... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
"I really honestly want to hear a r2r setup before I die."I think audio2design may have one. 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
lexx21," I wouldn't give you you a hug from behind... "I guess I do get lucky at times. 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
"...for freaking on where someone lives.’It is not about where someone lives. It is about admiring architecture. I am all into landscaping (not doing it myself, but admiring it myself) so I do see some trendsetting on those pictures. It looks like... 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
skypunk,Having some self-restraint will not give you negative points. 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"...but perhaps Tom or Carol from can."Carol is from UPS. I hoped that millercarbon would talk to her about earlier delivery of my record. A few nice words, as usual, maybe a long walk on the beach in the sunset, and, inevitably... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
I saw an advertisement in the window of a real estate office today. It was about a windmill in the Netherlands. 1 100 000 Euro. Looks impressive. A must buy for any Picasso fan. 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
lexx21,I should blame skypunk for starting this thread a year too late. I was in Durham about this time last year, right before this epidemic in the U.S.A. started. I would have stopped for a listen for sure, but you would not want me to help you ...