
Responses from glupson

How Science Got Sound Wrong
the human hearing system was designed, from the ground up, over millennia...Something is wrong with this sentence. 
Hey, Do you even have speakers??
"If my math is correct, that is about one pair of speakers every two months over nine years. Wow...."That is some dedication to weight lifting. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
That will come out with next firmware. 
Any good shelf systems out there?
"Why do people insist on suggesting things the OP has indicated he doesn’t want?"Maybe to spare him from asking very similar question in a year. 9-year-olds grow quickly. 
Any good shelf systems out there?
Once upon a time, Denon and Yamaha had decent ones, but these days you may need to go used.At the same time, it may be a good idea to get something that has USB input and Bluetooth. It may not seem that way, but he will need it soon.EDIT: I just s... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
>>>>You got to the bottom of your bottom.That's deep. I'll have to get back to you with that one. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
"3.The caller will find his reception has improved a couple of bars after the TT has been performed"So, Teleportation Tweak means "being thrown out of a bar"?After a couple of such Teleportations from bars, a subject starts behaving in a more acce... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
"Fortunately at the shows there is usually at least one person honest enough to tell the exhibitor your system sucks!"Maybe even two. 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
oregonpapa,I did not plan to go anywhere with you. I just noticed your apparent disdain for laws and remembered you said something about your, I think, brother being a detective or a police officer and always suspicious. I might have misunderstood... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
oregonpapa,It was likely not me in your high school. Just from your stories, I am guessing I was born way after that. It is true that my home was, and still is, always open and full of people, but nobody lures them in. They come all the time, unin... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
oregonpapa,If that’s your idea of "music," then a lot of questions have been answered. When it comes to Sex Pistols, try My Way. If you cannot feel it, regardless of what you are listening to it on, the age has gotten the best of you. Publicity st... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
oregonpapa,"He has the SR HFT’s glued to his windshield and headliner."I do not know who David Pritchard is, but if he is anywhere in the State of California, you may want to let him know so he can check it out...26708. (a) (1) A person shall not ... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
"He’s tricked his car out with both SR and PPT products."You said it. Are you confident to do that, too?No matter what you do, do not put Omega+ Mats on the windshield. I know they are supposed to be good anywhere you put them, but please do not d... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
oregonpapa,"That may be true, Glupson ... but you certainly can’t take a hint."Well, now we are even when it comes to hints. 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
If everyone can post their favorite videos, lyrics, or links to similar music-(un)related items, I hope I can do it, too.This is what I grew up with. Great stuff. (disclaimer: I actually bought the record)