
Responses from glupson

How Science Got Sound Wrong
"You can control the loudness with the volume knob. But there’s nothing you can do about dynamic range."So, what is it? Loudness War or Dynamic Range War? 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
What if the sauce is so secret that we have a reason to suspect it does not even exist? 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
For whatever it is worth, nudged by geoffkait, I checked that dynamic range database. I found it practically useless. Maybe numbers are correct but some "loudness wars" recordings sound just fine and some "wide dynamic range" are annoying. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
For the math challenged:billions = billions and billions = billions and billions and billions just as6 = 3 + 3 = 2 + 2 + 2Hmmmm, that is open to discussion, Is it the math or linguistic issue?6=3+3=2+2+2, butbillions + billions ≠ billions + billio... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
You are welcome. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
And btw for those keeping score....the quote was... literally billions and billions Like what happened to literally, and where did the extra billions come from"literally" was there. It stayed in your quote when I copied it.The remainder of billion... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
"It’s aggressive dynamic range compression I’m referring to. You know, the suffocation of the music. 🥵"Some people actually enjoy that aggressive compression. Some have no objection to the suffocation part, either. To each her/his own. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
"...literally billions and billions of articles to prove that beyond any shadow of a doubt."No doubt about it. Billions and billions and billions, in fact 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
At some point, geoffkait claimed expertise in artificial atoms. He could elaborate if electrons are organic and atoms artificial, or everything is artificial.I still think the answer may be in undecided ions. For all I know, my answer is as correc... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
jafreeman,I just gave you (plural) praise like never before, This thread is making sense now. 
What are the best Room Accustic Treaments members have found?
To trail onto this thread, does anyone know of room/wall treatments that are not a few inches thick? Is there such a thing?Due to the room, anything thick sticks like a sore thumb. Thinner that can be painted would be a jackpot.I apologize davidro... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
uberwaltz,"I am pretty sure that we are Gluppy but the more important question to my mind is...... Why are you?"It is beyond entertaining. It is now turning into science.Reading about all the positive properties of these mats, which is all of them... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
"It takes time for these mats to penetrate into our electronics, and it is the same for the speakers."Beware of mat infestation. They seem to multiply by budding.Thankfully, they can do no wrong.Are you guys reading your own posts or am I the only... 
Hey, Do you even have speakers??
wolf_garcia,The first one who comes to your mind. Oooops, is it my turn now? 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
"...not much good can come of playing untreated CDs on stock un-tweaked systems..."Would Neil Young's CDs become good if treated, or it is a little too much to wish for?