
Responses from glenmschneider

Speakers that disappear
+1 for yogiboy i heard some smaller Harbeths set up at a dealer where the soundstage was feet behind the speakers. Total disappearing act.    
Has anyone upgraded the crossovers on Spatial Hologram M4 series loudspeakers?
Spatial maintains an audio circle forum where I suspect you will find someone who has done this. I’ve definitely seen upgrades on other spatial speakers there.    
Modern Covers of Classics
 Chantal Chamberland does a whole set of covers; my favorites include Chasing Cars and Miss Sarajevo.    
Warm, yet detailed tube preamp
I’ll add a +1 to look at Don sachs. I have his model 2 and it’s outstanding. I prefer a more neutral sound and so I am running this with the provided rectifier tube; however experimenting with Mullard GZ34 gave exactly the warmer detailed sound yo... 
Borresen X1 & X2
I recently had a similar experience on my DIY speakers where at first I thought the imaging was incredible but it didn’t take me long to realize something wasn’t right. the left image was so far beyond the speakers position something was up. Turns...