

Responses from glen

Suggestion for bedroom speakers
I run Martin Logan ascents (Electostats) in my bedroom. There a little bit big but really fill the room with sound and not real bassy with tube gear. 
Free TWEAK that works
Has anyone run across any "audiophile grade" bubble wrap? I know they make different colors, are there different sonic signitures associated with different brands? What's the psi per bubble? Am I a total smart ass? Please let me know :^) 
Where to read about Electric Service Improvements
You basically have two maybe three options at the service. You can upgrade to a larger service for starters. Most people go from 100 or 150amp to 200amp. This usually requires ripping the old one completely out and installing new parts. Some audio... 
What about dips in power???
Just when I was starting to get my gear paid down. Now I have to go out and buy a PS Power Plant, that's just great. (Just ribbing on you Sean :^) 
Martin Logan Ascent question - Please Help
I own a pair of Ascents and agree with the others. Plan on having the panels replaced. You should be able to factor that into the purchase price if the seller is reasonable. It almost sounds like they were exposed to some extreme heat. 
Where to buy HDCD's?
Try http://www.deepdiscountcd.com All there HDCD titles are noted in the description. It helps if you know which titles your looking for. 
So close yet so far....oh the pain of it all
That story was scarier than the movie *The Others* It definetly made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It could be worse though, just think if you had bought it used from a guy at e-bay with zero feedback. :^)Hang in there paradise is clos... 
Amplifiers Recomm. to drive my Martin Logans
Sugarbrie, Cool picture and the fact that it's in the forums is even cooler. Question, HOW? 
Amplifiers Recomm. to drive my Martin Logans
I drive mine with an Audio Research tube amp VT-100 MKIII to be exact, fed from an Audio Research pre LS-16 MKII The whole shabang is cabled with Nordost Quatra-fil and Nordost SPM bi-wire speaker cable. The sound is quite nice :^) 
Another dumb question
I'd buy a new system if I were you :^) 
How do I start?
You've got some good advice already especially mine :^). Seriously, there is a way to build a nice little system to start out with. You can indeed start small with a complete system and then add on to it a little bit every year. There are a couple... 
How do I start?
I'd say speakers are as good a place as any to start. Be forwarned, once you make your first purchase there can be no turnig back. Ha ha ha ......ha ha ha ha ha....... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......etc... :^) 
When will the "Madness" stop
The Madness part would explain the deal you gave me on that pre-amp :^)If I ever get out that way I want to stop over and listen to your system, I bet it sounds sweet!!!Thanks again 
Can I zap myself biasing my tube amp??
Mark,Biasing is done with the power on and the tubes warmed up. Make sure your meter is a good one and that the decimal point is in the right place for DC mili-volts. If you use a metal screwdriver (Not recommended for beginners) make sure it's ta... 
Audioweb/ What a bear
That's a tough one Sean, Can we have another hint? :^)