

Responses from glen

Tube Pre Amp with Digital Amp a No No?
I'm not sure about a digital amp, but people have been using tube pre-amps with solid state amps for years, myself included. It seems to me that blowing a tube would cause the circuit to open much like burning up a light bulb. The odds of the fill... 
Is Western Union Safe?
I use Washington Mutual, I'm not sure about the buyer. 
Is Western Union Safe?
It ended up being a bank to bank wire transfer. They charged us each $10.00. Not bad to move 3K from New York to California in about an hour. I could get use to that! :^) 
Is Western Union Safe?
I called Western Union and they want almost $200.00. Luckly I don't have to pay it :^) Seems like a waste of money when you can complete a bank to bank wire transfer for less than $30.00. Maybe I'm just to cheap in my old age. I'll keep you posted... 
Criminy, I've reached 300 threads
566 swampwalker 
Criminy, I've reached 300 threads
Zaikesman, Actually it's pretty scary :^) 
Criminy, I've reached 300 threads
If you think reaching three hundred threads feels good, wait till you get to 300 feedback points. That's 100 positive transactions for all the new folks. 
Peter Gabriel Remasters?
They are awesome dude! I picked up So A few weeks ago. i think I'll buy a few more soon. 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
How about Earl Klugh, He writes all his own stuff to boot! Great DVD of him in concert available. 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Neil Young had a few good riffs over the years 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
I'm listening to Vince Guaraldi and Bola Sete right now while I eat a Velveeta sandwich on my favorite bread. OF COURSE IT'S WONDER! DO THEY MAKE ANY OTHER KIND? 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Add John Williams to the list RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!! 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Randy Rhodes deserves to be on this list too 
Which system? EAD - THETA - CLASSE
I started out with a beefy Classe H/T system but over the years switched to Theta and never looked back. Even when I reduced the wattage from my big Classe amps to a Theta Dreadnaught I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. I'm not sayin... 
I'm not sure why there aren't so many around, but I'm quite happy with the ones I have.