
Responses from gita

Furutech Flux50 NCF shoutout
"I found, over the years, that Furutech accentuates the leading edge at the expense of the "body" of an instrument, giving a "cool-ish" flavor to the sound of components. Harmonic richness is not something that the Furutech endows its products wit... 
The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam?
"I thought Randy's video was ridiculous and the comments worse. He's just playing to his crowd, stoking resentment, cynically trolling for clicks."  - @kerrybh Bingo  
Furutech PC's?
Given the variety of responses in this thread, it would seem that there is no substitute for trying the "device under test" in your own system.   Formerly, my system was tube based and I was thrilled with my loom of Nordost cables. When I switche... 
Furutech 4.1 Series Cables - Outstanding Performance and Value
I received the DAS-4.1 interconnect w/Furutech top of the line rca termination. More greatness! While this line of cables is by no means inexpensive, it embarrasses more expensive competitors.  I now have the DSS-4.1 speaker cable on order. Pe... 
Furutech 4.1 Series Cables - Outstanding Performance and Value
I'm in the process.  I had switched from a tubed integrated to a solid state integrated and found my loom of silver plated copper cables to no longer be synergistic. After much research, I had a DPS 4.1 power cable built for me, with FI-50 NCF t... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@gladmo Thanks for keeping us up to date with your findings. I’ve been following your informative epic with great interest. I’ve had good luck with aftermarket fuses, but the SDFB clearly in another league. When I bought the SDFB, I went straigh... 
Looking for a new (preowned OK) line stage under $5K: suggestions?
As evidenced by this thread, there are a great many choices. We may have reached the point where recommendations become overwhelming and therefore useless. At the risk of making things worse, I recommend either an ASR Basis Exclusive or a Zanden ... 
recommended speaker cables and interconnects
It's inevitable that everyone will post about their favorite cables. I'm no different. I'm partial to Nordost products. All power cords, interconnects and speaker cables in my system are Nordost.  I've been an audio hobbyist since the early '80s.... 
High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260
Okay, where can I get this kool-aid? I'd like to drink some. (Metaphorically, of course.) I'd used Caig Pro-Gold. It's a decent cleaner.  For a long time I used Stabilant 22, which I found to be much better.  Now I'm using NPS-1260 which is ri... 
ATMA-SPHERE MA-1 MK11.3 with magnepans, am I completely mad?!
I thought the issue was impedance.  The Maggies dip pretty low and the Atma amps like to see higher. I did hear a rig that used Z Transformers (the anti-cables guy) between Atma-Sphere and Maggies and it sounded great. Best talk to Ralph.  
Jorma or Kimber KS speaker cables and IC
Thanks for the heads up. I've never had the opportunity to hear Jorma cables. I have no doubt that upper echelon cables from a reputable manufacturer are a significant contribution to a resolving system. I've been a Nordost customer for many years.   
which turntable for the future?
If I understand correctly, you're looking for something that outperforms the Michell and will "hold you over" til you get a Tech Das.  Such problems! First, I love the Gyro w/SME V. But it seems that you're determined to try something else. Okay... 
Big plus for almost anything by Dead Can Dance.  Can't believe no one has yet listed Avalon by Roxy Music.  And finally Mountains of the Moon by The Grateful Dead   
I Don't Want to be an Audiophile, What am I...
"I don’t want to be an audiophile, what am I?" If you buy high performance audio gear to improve the sound of your music, then you’re an audiophile. Don’t be a wuss, own it. United we stand! (or sit, as the case may be)  
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
"When making changes or adding things to your system, what makes the bigger difference in sound quality on preamp‘s and power amps? Interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, or fuses?"   This possibly could have been phrased more clearly, but ...