
Responses from ghdprentice

Stand mount speakers to replace Magnepan 1.6’s
I would look for stand mounted speakers with AMT (air motion transducers). They will give you the air,  transparency and midrange of the Maggie’s.   
High quality recordings any genre
One major determinant of how “well” recorded music sounds, is your system. A ruthlessly detailed system that accentuates details over the musical content will make most albums sound bad. A system that accentuates the music with good rhythm and pac... 
Should I update my manufactures power cords?
Oops. For a second I thought I had accidentally joined the Grammar Forum. I stay away from there, between my own incompetence and autocorrect I would be in a world of hurt.  
How good is good enough?
I am an audiophile. I want the very best sound I can afford and am happy to allocate a disproportionate amount of my disposable income to achieve this.   Typically I do an upgrade cycle every seven years and just really enjoy the music in between... 
I am looking to upgrade - looking for advice
Rules of thumb are good ways to begin extensive research of professional reviews and auditioning of audio equipment. I listen to equipment inside my circle of interest as well as outside the circle to verify the validity of any generalizations I h... 
Why isn't better quality used gear being made available?
My experience when listening to a product line up of speakers is that each level speaker sounds better than the lower level one. This is nearly always true. For instance have listened to much of the Sonus Faber, B&W, Wilson, Magico, and Dynaud... 
I am looking to upgrade - looking for advice
OP, Please do not worry about some of the contradictory advice you got… particularly that from @perkadin. I am sure it is very well intended but is either not correct… or highly dependent. As far as speakers. It is a rule of thumb that it is bes... 
I am looking to upgrade - looking for advice
Basic question about sensitivity
OP,   I have Audio Research 160 amps. They operate either 140 wpc ultra linear or 70 wpc triode. Although the sound output is hardly different between the two… the triode mode is more musical to me. I have paired this amp with 90db sensitive Son... 
Aurender Conductor V4 issues
Sorry to hear you are having problems. I converted to v4 a while ago, whenever available. Had no problems with it to my two Aurrender streamers.    Have you deleted it and reinstalled?  
Basic question about sensitivity
OP,   You know, that is a great question… since they sit off in a niche to me, they are unique sounding. So, I had to ask that question. So, I did some research. I think in the process… came to the realization that the Harbeth claim of “easy to ... 
I am looking to upgrade - looking for advice
@tjraubacher Congratulations. It is likely you will enjoy the upgrade with your choice of the Hegel. Not sure the streamer is an upgrade… fingers crossed. Tell us what you think when it is all assembled.   Typically cabling is chosen after yo... 
Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money?
OK, from your story, there is one thing that is certain. The problem was unlikely to be with the turntables you bought. Both are outstanding. So, I would look at your phonostage. My rule of thumb is that each component should be carefully chosen ... 
Basic question about sensitivity
I think, in general, the way you are looking at things with more sensitivity requiring more power is correct. I think Harbeth are somewhat of an anomaly. Like all things audio, it depends. Recommended wpc amplification is a very open and unscient... 
Keep my 1996 bryston 4B or get a new 4B
Perhaps this is useful. I used Bard.   The Bryston 4B: A Legendary Power Amplifier The Bryston 4B is a legendary stereo power amplifier that has been a benchmark for high-performance audio since its introduction in 1976. Over the past four deca...