
Responses from ghdprentice

Buying New TV Need A Soundbar Recommendation
I have had no latency issues with the sound bar. A couple times the TV optical output would cause latency… I would reboot the TV and it would go away. It was the TV, not the sound bar. After living with this for about eight months. I am really ha... 
To truly enjoy this hobby, I need to learn electronics. Any book recs?
Interesting question. If you want to become proficient at choosing components that sound great then you want to learn about the high end from Robert Harley’s book: The Complete Guide to High End Audio. This is because the electrical circuits are n... 
New amp listening fatigue: Distortion or ??????
OP… “It seems as if the sound is too intense, if that makes sense.” That sounds like the bias in the amp is set too high. I got an amp on loan one time… it sounded terrible (high end audiophile amp of great repute) and it almost sounded like bein... 
Best interconnects from preamp to amps, within budget
OP, sounds like a good choice. I will be honest, Blue Jeans to me were no better than the ones that came with budget equipment. I would enjoy your new cables and your system. Then, if you choose, think about upgrading your components… if you want ... 
What Digital to Digital Converter Do You Use? Why?
I always stay away from converters. Add extra stuff to the signal path is always a bad thing. I use what is native.    Which input is better is always dependent on the output device and the input device. USB has recently added to the list of legi... 
Speaker Placement and Toe-In
The equilateral triangle is a thing…. True more often then not.   The toe-in worth the search. Nothing wrong with being lazy for six months… then changing it a bit. Wait a while… then try something else. I am lazy… but over time, your system will... 
Recommendation for Headphones under $250
@mattmiller    +1 good recommendation.  
Are there any more good multi format disc players out there?
OP, Sounds to me like you made a good case for streaming to be better sound quality soon, if it is not now. (today, it simply depends which one you are comparing to which). Consider a player is an optical computer file storage device, a streamer... 
Suggestions for a digital cable.
WireWorld, AudioQuest and Transparent are the largest selling high end cable companies according to a survey of thousands of a audiophiles last year. Just useful info.  
Indentical measurments = Identical performance?
I have to recommend more listening and less thinking. ASR and lots of thinking take you away from great sound quality and lots of fruitless discussions.  
SQ difference XLR vs RCA ?
No. The difference is incredibly subtle and contingent on your specific components and length of run (if dozens of feet). When you get to own the best system you have ever imagined… then bring this issue up again. For now, rca will do the job and ... 
New amp listening fatigue: Distortion or ??????
This is the classic mark of a really noisy system. Perhaps the bias is too high in the amp. I have been subjected to this in cheap equipment and malfunctioning equipment. The, “can’t quite put your finger on it and pressure on the eardrums” is it.... 
Techniques for isolating and comparing a component upgrade or change
Nice system and room. My technique for evaluation is to do a couple quick comparisons, back and forth, just to see if anything sticks out.   Then to get serious. Put the on new thing in and leave it for a couple weeks… absolutely paying no atte... 
Placement of Components
It is a bit dependent on your system… but in most cases center placement interferes with imaging and therefore is better off to the side… or even better yet completely out of the soundstage. My Apogee ribbon speakers did not seem to mind my equip... 
Speaker Placement and Toe-In
The general recommendation for my speakers Sonus Faber Amati Traditional)  is to the “cross the beams” 18” behind the sweet spot. In my room that causes a very restricted soundstage. They sound best with no toe in, just like yours,