
Responses from gestalt

Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
@jjss49 I think it's important to mention the A200 doesn't sound like a traditional hybrid amp; it offers a unique topology with a surprisingly short signal path and has, to my ears, an immediate authenticity that is rare for an amplifier that mak... 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
@bobheinatz hi, the M200 is available, along with the P300 linestage. Feel free to give me a call if you'd like to hear it. 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
Hi @xrayz the A100 is a discontinued model. The A200 is the only integrated amplifier in the Circle Labs lineup currently, with the M200 stereo/mono power amplifier and P300 fully balanced linestage just launched.Cheers,Colin 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
Great review Bill. I think the A200 is a special piece and I'm glad you're enjoying it.Please let THE Audiophile's Wife know the sentiment is shared. 
100W+ solid-state amps known for beautiful mids
You might like the Circle Labs A200. Here's a recent review in Positive Feedback: you prefer separates, the M200 is the equivalent power ampl... 
Integrated Amplifier for B&W 803 D3
You might find the Circle Labs A200 interesting. It's a novel hybrid design (NOS tube pre paired with exceptional quality SS amp) that sounds alive.Here's a recent review in Positive Feedback: 
Speakers for triode tube amps
Wolf von Langa SON would be a remarkable choice. Here's a review at HFA: up that I offer WVL products in the US. 
Tube based phono stage
+1 on TRON Convergence Signature.Heads up I'm a Tron Electric dealer (in the USA). 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@essrand High Water Sound has the NAF 211 monos & linestage on display. Jeffrey is one of the good guys and might have a line on a 2A3 in NYC; worth calling.I have a 300B integrated in Nashville if you find yourself in the area. 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
Agree a single 300B isn't universally ideal on the O/96. A push pull 300B sorts that right out and is lovely. 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
A New Audio Frontiers 2A3 or 300B integrated would be lovely.Feel free to search for thoughts on this pairing; lots of glowing user reports out there.Heads up I'm a NAF dealer. 
Recommendation for Class-A integrated amp
Luxman L-595A Special Edition is worth consideration as well: up that I'm a Luxman dealer. 
So damn hard deciding which tube preamp to buy!
S.A.Lab Samson valve preamplifier would be a good choice at that budget: builds all the transformers in house. Separate power supply. Remote. 3 outputs. Balanced and single-ended connectio... 
Preamp/Integrated with Loudness button
Hello @manojrc, all Luxman linestages/preamps and integrated amps feature a loudness control and offer remotes. Did you mean the loudness switch on the actual remote? I ask because the LX-380 does offer a remote but the loudness switch is on the m... 
Air Tight ATM-300R or Shindo Cortese 300B
Apologies if you are only interested in those two models; I particularly like the TRON Electric Atlantic 300B in that price range.