

Responses from gerrym5

Best Preamp under 10K
Nice to hear so many good comments. I think the best sonic value at there is Jim White's Aesthetic's Line stage and or Phono Satge with volume controls. OK, I've owned the Phono product for over a 1 1/2 years, but it I would strongly recommended i... 
Speaker Cable upgrade
The best thing to do about carl_eber postings is to ignore them and don't reply. 
Best turntable at $3500 used.
I am extremely happy with my Basis 2500 with Graham 2.0 deluxe arm. Bought it new, but I do see them occasionally at less than $4K. Theirs is a Wilson Benech table and arm on listed now @ $1750. That is great combination @ a great price. Add a VPI... 
Turntable Recommendations please.
I am extremely happy with my Basis 2500 with Graham 2.0 deluxe arm. Bought it new, but I do see them occasionally at less than $4K. Theirs is a Wilson Benech table and arm on listed at action now @ $1750. That is great combination @ a great price.... 
Whats the best and quietest 12AX7 tube
Get to upscaleaudio.com best tube site. Talk to Kevin, he is an expert on tubes, and he'll give you honest advice. I bought NOS Mazda's from and they are fab! cheers, Gerrym5 
"Balanced Output" Phono Pre-amp??
Also the new EAR (346?) preamp with built in phono has balance inputs/outputs. I did listen to the EAR and the Roland at the Anolog Shop in San Jose. They sound quite different, but both being good. Read the reviews as Carl said. Neither sounded a... 
Speakers to beat wife-factor ?
I am lucky that my wife does love music, and has shared in my hobby. What has worked well for us finally is a pair of Wilson Watt3/Puppy2 in Asian Pearl White. They are small, a nice shape, and the color reflects the living room decor colors. They... 
the best integrated amp $2500-$45oo pr.
This is a personal choice, and very dependent on your speakers. Recently for my second system, I went through the same process. I was able to compare in my home Audio Analogue Pucini SE, Audio Refinement, Accuphase e241, Electrocompaniet Eci-3, an... 
Speakers to beat wife-factor ?
A suggestion to consider is a pair of Wilson Watts/puppies. My wife has endured my hobby for over twenty years. She has seen me wheel in Rogers, Dahlquist, Accoustats, Magies, Quads, Infinity's, Crobsy Quads, and Magies again. Many produced SAT so... 
Speaker Cable upgrade
My vote is for the Alpha-core AG-3. I am using that for puppy tails and my speaker wires. The AG-3 replaced some Audio Note SPz. The SPz replaced the internal wiring in the watts/puppys. So I actually improved both aspects, and the sound is now ma... 
Who pays big for RCA's and Merc LPs?
I've been interested in these items for years. I don't have the collector's obsession, but I am always willing to buy something that is in better shape than what I have. Please, send me your list. 
Wilson v Sonus Faber
Tough choice in omparing these two speakers. I own a pair of Watt3/Puppies2 rewired with Audio SPz silver wire and with Bybees on each driver. They sound better in every way, and any edginess is gone. I've listen to Amati's at Music Lover in Berke... 
"Balanced Output" Phono Pre-amp??
Albert, My e-mail address is GERRY_GASSMAN@HP-Cupertino-om9.om.hp.com please send me yours and we'll exchange phone numbers. What you wrote today was all good news for me. I'll order the Genelex KT-66 today. Sounds like that's the change to make i... 
Pass Aleph P vs. Spectral DMC-20
I have owned Spectral equipment before, and think very highly of it. I never found that Spectral mated well with anything other than Spectral. Its great stuff, and especially magical if you go all the way (Spectral+MIT), but its a committment. 
"Balanced Output" Phono Pre-amp??
Albert, Thanks for the information. Genelex KT66s! When I asked Kevin about that, he wasn't sure if circuit required a modification for these tubes. Two power supplies!!! Wow! Can you give me a rough idea on improvement as compared 1. Changing tub...