"Balanced Output" Phono Pre-amp??

I have been searching for months for a balanced phono amp. Does anyone know a manufacturer that produces one?
Albert, My e-mail address is GERRY_GASSMAN@HP-Cupertino-om9.om.hp.com please send me yours and we'll exchange phone numbers. What you wrote today was all good news for me. I'll order the Genelex KT-66 today. Sounds like that's the change to make immediately. This weekend I'll look at the PS area again at the jumper area. Can't visilize the jumpers you're talking about while I'm on a business teleconferenvce and how two cables for each PS can served by one each into phono unit. I'll talk to John Barnes and or Garth on how to order the extra PS. Work has a priority right now. Thanks again! Gerry
The Jeff Rowland Cadence is balanced, and quieter than any phono stage. Just read the reviews.
Also the new EAR (346?) preamp with built in phono has balance inputs/outputs. I did listen to the EAR and the Roland at the Anolog Shop in San Jose. They sound quite different, but both being good. Read the reviews as Carl said. Neither sounded as good as the store's Narga preamp (not balanced) or my own Aesthetix (balanced)at home. The EAR is a good performance value/price point. cheers, Gerrym5
Gryphon Oreste is also a balanced Phono Amp. It is very analytical in nature and always give the music a push when called to do so. This is a limited edition and the Denmark manufacturer guarantees only 333 units will be made.