
Responses from gerardff

Michell Tonearm Decoupling Kit- Anyone?
RR,I put a reply on your other post. Have you ever tried not using the clamp? When I first bought my Orbe I did a with/without trial and found the clamp superior. Years later, I began experimenting with platter mats and found that a mat was superi... 
Benz Ebony LP loading
I was using a fixed loading of 470 ohms. Both my Ruby2 and LP were at this. My room is very HF unfriendly and I can't get rid of the over strident HF no matter what I do. I tried a few different phonostages and always seemed to prefer 200-300 ohms... 
Michell Gyro SE upgrade to Orbe clamp?
I have an Orbe and always used the clamp but recently went back and compared w/o clamp. I was astounded by the sound w/o clamp. The sound stage really opened with more space/air between instruments. It was not a subtle difference. I also went back... 
Will SME 90 DIN work with Graham 2?
I've listened to it twice. I loved the HF but the bass lacked definition and it lacked spatial definiton and clarity. Now, how broken in it was I don't know. The 2nd one was brand new and had a problem but it sounded totally different than the fir... 
Is there a 3g. anti-skate weight for Graham arms?
I understand the point of the above msg's. My main objective was to find out if anyone else using a Graham 2 and Wally's tools had a similar conversation with Wally. My conversation wit Wally was >/= 2 years ago and at that time it made sense w... 
Is Wally tool preffered for Graham 2.2?
I have to jump in here despite the fact that I know what will probably transpire. My experiences are based on my own "karma" which is notoriusly plagued with, "Wow, I never saw that before", comments from others. I have both the Graham and Wally p... 
Graham IC-50 -vs-IC-70 "shotgun"
I have heard the IC-70 but not an IC-50. I liked the IC-70 for waht it didon the top end, as well as it was a warmer cable than the Harmonic Tech. Silver I have. But where the IC-70 failed was low end transpareny, ie., listening to symphonic music... 
Cary phono preamp - any experience?
I am considering the Cary Ph302, if I can audition one, but I am a bit concerned about the fixed 100 ohm MC resistance value. Has anyone opened the top and seen where these resistors exist? How tough would it be to sawp different resistors?Roastaman 
CDR & LP Recording:Tascam CDR-750 or Sony CDR-W66?
Jayboard,So it is possible then to play an LP and have each LP track automatically indexed by the Tascam? I saw posts where it all had to be done manually unless each LP side was to be a single indexed track. 
Phono Stage to replace Sonic Frontiers Phono 1
I've heard the Phono1 and thought the exact opposite as "highs" go. I was hearing a a Benz Lo4 and and Aries. I found it really smooth and warm, the same went for hearing it with a totally differnt deck/arm/cart. In fact I have been trying to matc... 
Miles Davis Prestige Box Set-How God Is It?
Thanks for all the info. I decided to go for the AP Prestige Set since I had been trying for a while to get one and cannot risk another missed opportunity. I will keep my digits crossed. I have a chance for a lower numbered set, so here it goes!! 
NAIM Alternatives-from people who have switched.
Thanks to all who responded. I have been hearing alot of good things regarding Blue Circle gear. I have no dealer in my area who carries it so I would have to take a chance.Thanks. 
For All You CCR Fans
Kinsekd,Thanks for the reply, even if it goes against my claims. But I still stand by my ears. Here is why.Green River 180g:1. The vocal of Fogerty is really buried to the rear of the ss. It's very grainy sounding, almost raspy. The earlier versio... 
For All You CCR Fans
Kinsekd,Thanks for the reply, even if it goes against my claims. But I still stand by my ears. Here is why.Green River 180g:1. The vocal of Fogerty is really buried to the rear of the ss. It's very grainy sounding, almost raspy. The earlier versio... 
For All You CCR Fans
I totally disagree with the above asessment regarding the new 180 g releases. From the first song on "Revival" I felt something was wrong. I have not listened to my old copies in a while but I know a poor mix/production when I hear one. Wow, what ...