

Responses from georgehifi

Directionality of wire
This is how bent you are Geoff, that is market place, feedback from 3 people I’ve purchased things off, it has nothing to do with the forums.You really are commitable, please, from the heart, admit yourself before something happens. Your getting o... 
Directionality of wire
But my tweaks are not so mundane, they are not cheap parlor tricks. Really!!! your website indicates the total opposite. Now I’m laughing on the inside and outside. http://www.machinadynamica.com/ Cheers George 
Linestage search
rafacampodonico   I´m looking for a linestage for my EAR 509´s monoblocks. They are high gain as they only need 1.2v for full output, most sources these days have over 2v, you should look for a low gain preamp, suggest a Schiit Freya.Which has... 
Soekris DAC1541 discrete R2R 27bit Multibit! Best Redbook DAC? and Native DSD.
"inexpensive" Or it’s a bargain. Doesn’t have to clean out your bank account to be good. Just look at the chassis plain and inexpensive, the goods are on the inside, the circuit.Then look at something like the $15k Aussie dollar Jeff Rowland Cont... 
Soekris DAC1541 discrete R2R 27bit Multibit! Best Redbook DAC? and Native DSD.
I spent a good 10 minutes and cannot find the cost. It says 1290euro in the first link. = $1500usd I note it has configurable filter settings (4?) Yes and also I think you can make your own up as well using your computer? And it does native dsd i... 
Directionality of wire
"Lead, follow or get out of the way." You may call yourself a leader Geoff, but it’s of the electronically minded gullible, who believe in the same snake oil you peddle on your website. And that’s nothing to be proud of.http://www.machinadynamica... 
Dan D’Agostino and ARC Ref. 10
leog2015   Do you people think it will be a REAL step-up over my Rogue’s or shall I stay with tubes? With the Ago having 100kohm input impedance, it's a perfect match for a passive. You could try this $49 one and send it back if you don't like... 
Dan D’Agostino and ARC Ref. 10
Should be no impedance match problems.As the AGO is 100kohm input and the AR is is quite low (for a tube) output impedanceCheers George  
Best amps for everything EXCEPT bass
My recommendation for the best mids and highs was for a Class-A amp solid state, of whatever wattage the OP needs. Not really for him to purchase the ML-2’s, it’s just a bucket list Class-A amp for me, which will drive ANY speaker to a GIVEN level... 
Cary SLP-05 with Pass Labs X-250
However, I got significantly higher values for the unbalanced output of 1500–1600 ohms in the midrange and treble, rising to 3400 ohms at 20Hz, Almarg is right, I got the 400ohms from the Cary website. This is why Stereophile is such a good si... 
Is it possible to connect analogue radio to oppo
As I said in my first post, just get thishttps://www.ebay.com/itm/M-Audio-Midiman-24-Bit-Flying-Cow/272862092837?hash=item3f87d91e25:g:NpUAAOSwefVZnyMN Cheers George 
Audio Research D240 MkII vs D130
My fav ARC was the D115, a very tight controlled tube amp, some say it's the most solid state sounding tube amp built by ARC.Cheers George  
Cary SLP-05 with Pass Labs X-250
Your X.250 has an input impedance of 11kohm this would give trouble to many tube preamps that have high output impedance.But your lucky as the SLP-05 has a low output impedance of 400ohms which is a good match for the X.250, maybe it has a solid s... 
Best amps for everything EXCEPT bass
Best amps for everything EXCEPT bass If your talking mids and highs amp then a solid state Class-A linear amp that has a great extended frequency response say over 100khz -3db, one of my bucket list amps to own would be a mint pair of Mark Levins... 
Power cord for digital stuffs?
Luna "digital stuffs" have such highly regulated super smoothed power supplies inside them, some can have 8 even 10 of these that it makes power cables a bit of a "snake oil item".Cheers George