

Responses from georgehifi

Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
What’s sad is they, like you, are ignorant of fuses. Obviously. Obsessively circuit oriented. It doesn’t take a weather man to know which way the wind blows. Wake up and smell the coffee! Ooo, getting testy there Geoff, your calling the most i... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
Which is why high end amp manufacturers don’t employ audiophile grade fuses in their amps. Of course they would if it made the amp sound better. Better sound = more sales!!  But sadly Geoff it doesn't.Cheers George  
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
In no real order the speaker short list is:KEF blades, I & II, either or.VA Listz or Music either or.Wilson Sabrinas, Sashas, either orTAD Evolution oneLongshots if found used:Magico S5 latest ver?Lanch 7?Wilson XLS ?YG ?Eggelston Ivy, andrea... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
Most tube amps are the equivalent of a graphic equalizer Couldn't have said that better +1, there are the odd one that's almost flat with speaker loading, but they are  a rare breed.Cheers George 
New to Magnepan, a volume question
kalali 0.130 volt input No Kalali read a bit closer, the specs on the MkI I got from the net (if right) said with .130v (130mV) input and it gave out only 1v from it’s outputs, that's a voltage gain of 7.6 times.Cheers George 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
Peachtree Decco, a 50/channel amp, had a lot of trouble driving my Dynaudio speakers (86db). The Dyns were much less efficient than my current Legacy speakers, but still, the Decco was struggling to drive them, so obviously it wasn't really able... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
Sorry @georgehifi , what is EPDR? EPDR is short for "Equivalent Peak Dissipation Resistance" It’s the combination of the speakers low impedance and it’s percentage of - phase angle at points of the frequency range. Which can give a far low imped... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
prevailing wisdom about Forests needing a lot of horsepower to sound their best. With this type of impedance and -phase angle, to they are EASY to drive,https://www.stereophile.com/images/archivesart/TotFofig1.jpg I would even say a 20w SE tube ... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
We really need to know which speakers you want to power before we can give opinions on which amps would be well suited for them. There are too many variables to give opinions on amps and speakers in general. Exactly what I was trying to get ac... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
Thus… at 3M a 91db sens speaker needs 4 watts. At one set freq. more if most of the bandwidth is being engaged.Yes? No? In my own case, the LP should never be more than 10 – 12 feet away from the front baffles. My guess is 200wpc is plenty for ge... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
absolutely astonishing when the F7 was used for a short time with 87 db sens. Totem Forests. It won’t peel paint but the sound produced is "to die for". Here is a classic example of a good amp that doesn't need too much current to drive this ea... 
New to Magnepan, a volume question
dprincipato Specs taken from HiFi Classic test: "The GFA-555 required an input of 0.13 volt for a 1-watt!! reference output" (Very very low gain)The old war horse 555 is very low gain at only 130mV for a 1volt output. Which is: with a 2v source a... 
Thinking of replacing my Bat spaceheater with class D, real world thoughts please
I just turned on my BAT space heater for the winter.  It sounds great and the room is warming up nicely.  The W4S gets a winters rest.   Says it all, you prefer the Bat. Class D is not a heater beater Ditto, +1 we (most of us) are all in it f... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
More than a few people over the years on these pages have said only those SS amps which double down in output power as impedance drops are truly special or worthy amps. Eg., 200 @ 8ohms; 400 @ 4 ohms; 800 @ 2 ohms; etc.   To put it more simply:... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
This might help:  http://chuckhawks.com/speaker_spl_amp_power.htm  Sorry it's not the full picture, nowhere does he talk about current into low impedance's, he's only interested in watts and spl. He's only half the way there by talking about ef...