Responses from georgehifi
Gotta love Nelson Pass chakster I’m sure that i don’t need an active gain in my system, because even with B1 buffer preamp i only use 10-20% of the volume control.If that’s right B1 has no gain, you don’t need any gain, BUT! your FW F2J is only 2kohm input impedance t... | |
New active speakers from AE1 designer Nice!!!! and this guy knew his stuff with AE. Wish there was an importer in AU. Just US and Canada so far.Cheers George | |
Speaker vibration isolation notesaddict OP29 posts11-05-2018 7:04amSo, if I am to understand the dialogue, Martin Logans currently spiked to suspended wooden floors should benefit by a decoupling. Right? Correct I have Monolith III's on a suspend wood floor, my bass clean... | |
Why are my SF Venere S Speakers not sounding as warm? This is the Lab report on what they will be like to drive, seems like these unlike their more expensive range are very easy to drive by anything short of rubbing two sticks together. I recommend a baby Class-A like the pass labs XA or even tubes."... | |
B&W 803 D3 speakers - which amp? I think I will talk with my local dealer Unless they’re blood, they’ll just sell you what they want, there’s no way they will say sorry can’t help out in this case if they don’t have the correct amp.Just educated yourself in reading the above imp... | |
Can you help pinpoint why I am now satisfied with my digital setup? That is what I'm saying. The 10K input impedance is just a resistor. Has everything to do with the dynamic response of the active input device, a tube in this case. This is where more drive current is needed. It's the input impedance of the t... | |
Speaker vibration isolation I too believed that coupling (spiking) them through the carpet to the slab would be the way to go...until it wasn't. If it was a proper building slab of concrete some 2ft thick around the edge and some 6'-8" thick for the rest, if this wasn't b... | |
Speaker vibration isolation specifically the ones that replace the spikes as opposed to the stands? Always spike into a cement slab floor, especially if it’s laid on mother earth.Good test if you can feel through your bare feet drop something heavy dropped on the floor, if ... | |
B&W 803 D3 speakers - which amp? B&W 803 D3 speakers - which amp? An "impedance" vs "-phase angle" graph has never been done on the 803’s, but: Here are the impedance phase graphs of all of the 800 range, no reason to believe the 803 won’t be the same, which are all very har... | |
B&W 803D crossover caps You can paralell caps of the same brand at near the same value with no problem at all. In fact, this method is used my some very high end builders for the best sound. Yes this is the only time to do that with caps in the signal path as I said pre... | |
Can you help pinpoint why I am now satisfied with my digital setup? The Shiit preamp has lower output impedance than the NAD DAC going directly to your Prima Luna integrated. Your saying the: Nad M51 with (4.7v xlr) (2.4v se) output at 180ohm output impedance, is not a great match into the PL integrated at 100koh... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD david_ten2,138 posts@ everyone Any recommendations for an upper tier DAC with a very well implemented volume control? I’m looking for DAC first components (and not Preamps with a DAC module...if that makes sense...). Thanks. I believe they still ... | |
MC300 MC252 MC501 recommendations based on my setup gene3x The Paradigm Signature S8's drop to around 3ohms betwwen 60hz and 200hz where most grunt is needed. the right amps for this, ones that can deliver curren... | |
Two volume controls? (high end DAC w Jadis preamp) tubesrule I just had a look at the 519, forget what I said above, it's volume is done in the analogue domain. It has no bit stripping at all.Also the 519 outputs 3.7v at 80ohms!!! The Mac only needs 2.4v in to give it's full 600w output, go dir... | |
Two volume controls? (high end DAC w Jadis preamp) i believe the 519 doesn’t suffer from bit loss that some earlier digital volume controls suffered. They still do, Thorsten Losche of AMR did research into this, and he says digital domain volume controls, no matter what the dac or player it will ... |