

Responses from georgehifi

Some just can't accept that something for $699 can compete with $$$K preamps, just because it doesn't have the million dollar glitzy looks, doesn't mean it can't sound it, it's got what it takes under the hood.Cheers george  
So many good reports out weigh the few bad to me, about noise with the Freya. Sure for those kind of low dollars ($699) you get cheap 6SN7 or 6H8C tubes with it, and there are going to be the odd bad noisy one, but I was told by owners they send o... 
Amp "timing" ?
I was reading someone raving about the impeccable "timing"   Can someone please explain what is meant by this term? It all starts with the source, if it doesn't have it then it can't be made up down the line properly, a device like the Schiit... 
wolf_garcia do you agree with this you have one???"@georgehifi Freya is a great piece of equipment but a horrible tube amp. I have a collection of best 6SN7 ever made. Noiseless in my other preamps. Same tubes in Freya make noise. Same with micro... 
Differences between cd transports?
sad, even from you 
Differences between cd transports?
Yeah us Aussie's have a sixth sense to sniff out fraudsters, charlatans and snake oilers. 
Differences between cd transports?
Think admin found the right size muzzle, judging by the last 3 removed posts. 
DSD vs PCM .. Truth or Myth
DSD vs PCM .. Truth or Myth Excellent article, this is the part that rings true to me, every time I come up against it." When a PCM file is played on a native DSD single-bit converter, the single-bit DAC chip has to convert the PCM to DSD in r... 
First Watt SIT-3 proper speaker matches
5560 Don’t think you’ll get the bass performance out of these speakers with the SIT3, 3ohms with -50 degrees of -phase angle not an easy load.Kantahttps://www.stereophile.com/images/1018FoKan2fig1.jpgSoprahttps://www.diyaudio.com/forums/multi-way... 
Differences between cd transports?
I keep looking but can’t find the right size to fit his mouth.... A fist would work!!!https://freddythedaddy.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/face-punch-4e0e4c3b2acd1_hires.jpg 
Georgehifi is wrong about the Schiit Freya...it has five inputs and THREE OUTPUTS...2 single ended and one balanced. What a stunningly horrible misstatement, rendering me horrified and utterly saddened, reduced to a mere shell of a man...*sniff*... 
Looking for great tube integrated for Martin Logan Summit X speakers
as long of an output impedance as possible. "as low of an output impedance as possible."Spelling correction for  astelmaszek Chers George  
Looking for great tube integrated for Martin Logan Summit X speakers
It's very odd you've singled out sacd as a culprit of the sibilance, if anything I have found sacd and dsd (sacd with the flag) too mellow in that area and un-naturally smooth. with non of the  excitement and drive that RedBook PCM has got. And th... 
But since the subs are self powered I don't see how the preamp output impedance can affect the sub. The AR preamp with output coupling cap, has to drive not only your main amp input impedance, but also the 10kohm of your subs amp even though th... 
ozzy I just contacted Audio Research about your statement that the ARC preamps having issues with subwoofers ricred1 OP I can understand "they" may have, as AR pre’s being tube are output capacitor coupled, are used to seeing tube poweramps of ...