

Responses from geoffkait

$500 USB cable
wmarkhall18 posts02-04-2017 4:04pmCable sales hinge on confirmation bias and gear G.A.S. I've done blind testing with interconnects and speaker cables. I failed miserably, and I'm a musician. Then I examined the science. Cables are snake oil. Ther... 
Graphene spray and ...
randy-11an incorrect answer as sputtering is for conducting materials, like metalsHuh? Graphene is one of the most conductive materials in the universe. Which is why it's used to shield the SR Black fuse from RF and to improve conductivity in Grap... 
Graphene spray and ...
Maybe, just maybe, Magico copied the technique Synergistic Research uses to coat the Black fuse with Graphene. 
$500 USB cable
All signals are analog. The only difference is the information contained in the signal. In one case it’s an analog waveform, in the other a series of square waves representing voltage levels. So actually the so called digital signal doesn't contai... 
Graphene spray and ...
randy-11an incorrect answer as sputtering is for conducting materials, like metalsas someone correctly pointed out earlier Graphene is conductive. Can’t you read? It’s high conductivity is why it’s useful in the uh, Graphene cables and as RF shiel... 
Graphene spray and ...
Same way they get the transparently thin 24 carat gold layer on CDs. Sputtering. Final answer. 
Graphene spray and ...
I defy anyone to spray on a precisely one molecule thickness of Graphene. If it doesn't make sense it's not true. - Judge Judy 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
No matter how technically astute or insightful my explanation of how aftermarket fuses work you don’t have to look too hard to find some pseudo skeptic or knucklehead who disagrees with me or who says, this cannot be or science won't allow it. Thi... 
The Blankets Were Good, But...
My issue with Sonex isn’t that it decomposes. It’s the way it degrades the sound. Even a little bit is awful. I mean unless you're a big fan of wooly, phasey sound. As far as I’m concerned the stuff can’t decompose fast enough.  
Graphene spray and ...
Can you write with it? But seriously Graphene is only one molecule thick by definition so however they apply it it must be done very carefully. Maybe with teeny tiny tweezers. Maybe the same way Head applies it to their tennis rackets. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hey, mods! Better check the expiration date on those Roach Motels.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
George, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
George, you really don't get the whole Appeal to Authority thing, do you?😃 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
georgelofiI believe he was referring to the very few who keep beating the drum of skepticism in a negative way. They are the ones that are technical ones, and not voodoo drum beaters.Please name and show any posts of any of the known technical mem... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Trolls should be welcomed with open arms. Aside from giving out name tags M, T and S there’s not much you can do. In addition, when things get a little tedious or self congratulatory on any number of audio subjects along come the trolls to loosen ...