

Responses from geoffkait

Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Charles wrote,"Mac I also have much appreciation for science and engineering. Knowledge is a good thing no doubt. I just don’t need to know the why and how of something to enjoy it. Give me an opportunity to listen to a audio product and I’ll rend... 
How do you deal with absolute polarity?
Among many interesting and surprising things in George Louis’ web site regarding absolute polarity http://www.absolutepolarity.com are some letters he received from certain audiophile electronics manufacturers in answer to questions regarding thei... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Al wrote,"One further point which may be of interest regarding the various forms of electromagnetic waves that I mentioned, namely visible and invisible light, radio signals, X-rays, gamma rays, microwave radiation, and any kind of electrical sign... 
Interesting comments on noise regarding LIGO,
I have brought up LIGO, the project to detect and observe gravity waves, a number of times mostly in connection with seismic vibration isolation, which is a problem that required a great many years to solve to be able to make the experiment sensit... 
How do you deal with absolute polarity?
The number is actually 92%, the number stated by George Louis, polarity pundit, whose web site contains a great many audiophile CDs and their polarities. His results are drawn from listening tests. Now, I am not vouching for either his hearing, hi... 
How do you deal with absolute polarity?
If your system is determined to be in correct absolute polarity and you don't have a polarity switch, one strategy is to reverse the leads at the speakers so that the system is now in reverse absolute polarity.  Since at least 50% of CDs are in re... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
Simple comparisons may not tell the whole story. Unless CDs are treated and the CD player is isolated from seismic vibrations (among other things) analog usually has an advantage IMHO. Tweaking and modding can make the comparisons more competitive... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
I think that’s the first time I’ve seen that particular argument used on an audio forum, the Appeal to Sympathy. Also known as Sob Story or the Galileo argument. I.e., logical fallacy. Seems to have worked quite well. I’ll have to remember that."a... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
Eggs ackley! Digital by and large is an analytical medium, it begs to be examined and analyzed like a monkey examines a skull. Whereas analog is not analytical. It just is. Tape and vinyl are natural mediums. They breathe. 
Recording quality...
Most audiophile labels’ CDs have reverse polarity and many recent LPs but especially CDs have been overly compressed. The trend is not your friend as dynamic ranges have become ridiculously low. No one escapes, not hi res downloads, not SACDs, not... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Maxima95 wrote,"Geoffkait, no surprise you knew you were one of the trolls Bob was referring to. An attempt at being glib regarding a funeral when Bob is involved in one is the height of insensitivity."Lighten up, max. The reason I knew he was ref... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
rgrostAnyone trying to contact me I am away at a Funeral and will return Monday. I will respond to the trolls when I get back. Perhaps you can revel in my loss until then...Photons for God’s Sake... Nice comeback. One assumes you’ll need a little ... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
"I have read through every post since and of course now I am felling the need to try these Cerious cables."Hmmmm...Freudian slip?🙄 
Isolation products for Integrated Amplifier and Computer used for playing audio
Mass on spring. You know, real isolation. Like say Bungee cords. 
Graphene spray and ...
Since the Graphene is used as a coating it can be applied as a thin light tape, which would be stable. You can buy Graphene tape all over the Internet, no big deal. Even better DIY.