

Responses from geoffkait

Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
The thing about Mpingo discs is they're *very* directional, top to bottom as well as azimuth. They also are very persnickety as to where they will work. So my advice is keep looking until you find the magic spot(s). 
How would you get into the biz?
How do you make a small fortune in the audio biz? Start off with a big fortune. 
This is pretty funny and probably true for most of us
A customer of mine, who had a vintage Ferarri in the garage, was not shy at all about spending money on audio stuff. He mentioned that whenever his wife asked how much such and such cost he would tell her the cost but without the last zero. She st... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
I suspect you’ll find that roller bearing assemblies are actually not intended for nor they fix on board issues. They are used strictly for isolation as they provide good isolation in rotational directions and isolation in the horizontal plane, I.... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
The take away from this recent discussion is that not only should speakers be isolated, especially subwoofers, but ALL components as well. The reason is because the seismic forces have frequencies BELOW those produced by speakers, even by subwoofe... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
Then you should probably read Kip Thorne's (LIGO) Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy  
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
Re gravity wave wavelengths:"The wave-lengths of gravitational waves emitted in such merger events are typically of the same order as the dimension of the system. That is, for black holes with masses between 10 and 100 times the solar mass, wavele... 
Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs
Good for you! 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
Ak chew ally, Gravity is the weakest force. Nuclear forces are much stronger. In fact the reason why LIGO needed to develop such robust seismic isolation methods was because gravity waves are so weak, having amplitudes around the diameter of a neu... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
For whatever reasons CDs never fulfilled their promise of huge dynamic range - in the way they sounded - even before the industry decided to aggressively compress dynamic range what, 20 years ago. You know the line, 90 dB SNR and 90 dB Dynamic Ran... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
"My scepticism arises from the huge difference in wavelengths..."That's actually the part that threw me. Which wavelengths are you referring to? 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
  toddverroneMy scepticism arises from the huge difference in wavelengths and the law of something returns.And that was in reference to? 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
Gee it was only last week I walked a customer through the construction of a double decker mass on spring isolation stand using my compact cryo'd high carbon steel Mini Isolators and a stack of ceramic tiles from Home Despot. Of course, not to be t... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
One can't one can't help wondering why LIGO the science project to observe gravity waves didn't use an inexpensive and simple solution for their seismic vibration isolation systems? But instead as a rather complex system of heavy masses and spring... 
Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs
How about a big group hug and try to move on? How about this? Can anyone explain in the paragraph I posted yesterday from 6 Moons why Franck Tchang specifically pointed out he measured the spectrum of radiation effects for his tiny little bowls as...