

Responses from geoffkait

Has anyone found Audio Nirvana?
The best you can hope for is a little peace of mind and sound that is good enough to soothe the savage breast. 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
  popsDon’t cables vibrate when hooked up to a vibrating speaker? Am I missing something :>)You're not missing something, Pops. But the vibrations of the speaker cabinet are not good for the sound, either, any more than airborne or seismic/st... 
Anyone Using Crystals?
Free tip for crystal buffs. Crystals work better when they've been "clarified." Use demagnetizer on them, wash them in cold water and/or place then in the bright sun for a couple hours.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Whoa! What!! Hey, even I can’t Google that fast. Gimme a break. Where's the trust? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
George, Wow! You really can’t see the forest for the trees, can you?  This is probably just a case of a little knowledge can sometimes be a dangerous thing. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Georgie old bean, let's put things into their correct perspective, shall we? I've forgotten more electronics than you ever knew. Assuming you ever knew any.  
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
How about little statues of Hercules or Atlas? Or little statues of a javelin thrower and remove the javelins? Statues of Liberty? 
Dave's Picks 23
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick Dave's nose.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
georgehifigeoffkait: George, I bet you and analogluvr actually believe it’s just an ordinary resistor. Oh yes they are, nothing more ,nothing less. unless they’ve had some sort of voodoo spell cast on them, they are just plain Pacific brand power ... 
Anyone Using Crystals?
Crystals. Ooooooo! High prices of audio gear. Ooooooo! Just wait’ll we get to something that really is controversial. Heads will explode. Mossbacks and knuckledraggers, this means you! 😀 
CD players = dead?
tostadosunidosgeoffkait, do you mean that new music on CD is more compressed than before or that new releases of old music (say, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s) is more compressed than previous CD releases? Here’s the deal. The industry began overly compressing... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
Nobody said do the cable lifters before room treatments or isolation or anything else. The devils in the details. A lot of seemingly preposterous or insignificant tweaks add up to a big deal. It all comes down to where youngest off and what you’re... 
CD players = dead?
There is no escape. CDs are very compressed, now more than ever. Now vinyl is very compressed. You can’t play vinyl on iPods! Hel-loo! What are they thinking?! And even SACD and Blu Ray. Gasp! AND hi res downloads! Double gasp! 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
  wolf_garciaAn active room neutralizer would be a great thing to have when your relatives start arguing during the holidays.That's so true! Not to mention when all your audio buds come over for a listening session with lots of beer, tacos and bea... 
Who listens primarily to Redbook CD?
gdhalGeoffkait: Free tip to anyone with a lot of CDs. Always store them vertically, not horizontally. The sound will be much better. Please don’t ask why.Doubtful anyone would ask why, because your statement is not true.Huh? A statement of mine no...