

Responses from geoffkait

Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
dynaquest4 wrote,"I’d like to see an opposing article (not written by someone "in the business" or a reviewer paid to do it) that lays out the science of how exotic cable works and why. Bet it doesn’t exist. And for good reason...there is no scien... 
Interconnect Cables
OK, if nobody else is going to acknowledge the great big elephant in the room I guess I'll have to do it. Directionality. No, I'm not talking about which way the shield is connected or balanced vs unbalanced. I'm talking about unshielded cables wi... 
Directionality of wire
I just checked out your feedback on Audiogon, Georgie Boy. 3? Gee whiz, I didn’t realize the numbers could get that low. See if you can guess who’s laughing now? 😃 By the way, I’m thinking of promoting you to junior assistant shill.G'day, mate!  
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
Whoa! Daddy! This is a fine How do you do. I see this thread has gotten to the I'll show you mine if you show me yours stage. Taking a page from 12 Angry Men, "You can't prove it!" 😬 
Directionality of wire
costco_emoji, I’m laughing on the inside. 😏 I’m afraid you’re putting words in my mouth by characterizing (some of) my tweaks as having a "psychological" effect on the mind. "Psychological" is a perjoritive term that implies the mind is tricked, a... 
What makes you build a system around an amplifier?
If you want it all, air, dynamics, tinkling of glasses in a small club look no further than Nina Simone’s first album, Little Girl Blue. Don’t Smoke in Bed, Mood Indigo, etc. That's what I'm talking about! 
What makes you build a system around an amplifier?
willemj wrote,"Moreover, image and ’air’ can be quite delusional/artificial properties. Just go to a good concert hall and listen to a symphonic concert. Imaging there is usually far less precise than what you hear at home from your audio gear."&g... 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
Shoulda woulda coulda. 😛 
Room Acoustics
willemj: "The problem is that the truth is denied by slick salesmen and their gullible victims."🐏shadorne@willemj +1 Absolutely. When a user reports a problem with their sound and an audible change happening with a change of wire. Instead of the d... 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
Many of Einstein’s quotes he never actually said. In fact I'd opine many of the quotes ascribed to him are rather dull witted. That being said, PT Barnum said a bunch of things relevant to audiophiles."Generally speaking people would be much bette... 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
Oh, no, don't tell me! Not another he said she said thread. 
Directionality of wire
Look, the standard model of cosmology indicates the total mass–energy of the universe contains 4.9% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy. Thus, dark matter constitutes 84.5% of the total mass, while dark energy plus dark matter... 
Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio
Oh, great! Another anti-audiophile blog for and about anti-audiophiles. Shazam! 
Directionality of wire
Einstein got the Nobel prize for photoelectric effect not relativity, gentle readers. It takes a long, long time before the robed priests of Science dare jump on board any new fangled idea. It's much safer and requires no work to cling to the outd... 
Directionality of wire
costco_emojiI feel kinda bad like I’ve been too hard on the guy. I honestly think he’d be a blast to hang out with. I’m sure I’ll eventually read every word on his site. It’s most definitely snake oil, but he really is an artist in how he sells it...