

Responses from geoffkait

Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
Costco, you are a wannabe who hasn’t done anything. Little boy, little stick, big mouth.  
Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
This thread - for better or worse - has become the poster child for what happens when you let the angry Juror from 12 Angry Men badger you with the old, "then, what about this, then what about that" routine. It’s the oldest scam in town. You can’t... 
Oppo 105 and Hegel H160 DACs
willemj, what nonesense? I had the Oppo. Hel-loo! All of the things I said about the Oppo transport and most other players and transports are true. You should get out more often. I hate to judge to harshly but apparently one are the one who bought... 
Oppo 105 and Hegel H160 DACs
Since using a green or purple pen on the CD outer edge (and black on the inner edge) improves the sound, generally speaking, and damping the CD tray as well the transport drive mechanism itself improves the sound, I conclude that there are lots of... 
Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
Re Tenor Amplifier"Anyone on this thread own one?I noticed they are not cheap."Tenor amps were not cheap twenty years ago. To say they are not cheap now is like saying the black hole in the center of the Milky Way is not small. The new Tenor 350M ... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
What I have in mind for my next CES is making an unexpected entrance just as a demo of my new fabulous and preposterous device is about to begin. I am wearing a suit of multicolored strobe LED light bulbs. At that moment I give the direction to do... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
Having built more Helmholtz resonators than the average bear 🐻 I think I can say they can be made to be relatively broadband. Otherwise they wouldn’t do much, no? But the very low frequencies are a tough nut to crack 🐿. No doubt about it. If your ... 
Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
stfothhttp://tenoraudio.com/pedigree/the-perfect-amplifier-.htmlhttp://tenoraudio.com/technical/zero-perceived-distortion--.htmla different approach on "perfect.">>>>>footnote on history. I was in the big Tenor/Rockport/Shunyata/Aud... 
looking for the best cd transport only, without dac
Yes, ideally. The Reed Solomon error detection correction function should catch all errors. Ideally. Of course we know that's not (rpt not) true. 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
What I’m talking about is not a particle. It’s a field. I like to call it Lucifer’s field. Unlike magnetic or electric fields it does not (rpt not) attenuate over distance. Mess you up. 
Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
costco_eruption, Whoa! What’s with all the angst, Costco? OK, let me take a different tack. Let’s look at it this way. There’s a sailboat out at sea ⛵️ and it’s in the doldrums, you know where the air is very still. Where the air is not moving. Wh... 
Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?
stevecham wrote,"Ok, so what are you going to do, slow down the propogation of an electrical audio signal to 750 mph? That in and of itself, if achievable, and I doubt it, would time distort the signal even further in the electrical domain.">&g... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
I once built a fifteen foot long Helmholtz resonator to take care of an obnoxious 70 Hz standing wave located along the rear wall. The Helmholtz resonator was a folded S shaped 8" white PVC pipe with elbows and straight sections and end caps and p... 
Interconnect Cables
Oh, my! Could I be the new normal? 😛 
Interconnect Cables
My experience with Audioquest Truth interconnects and digital cable was that the choice between silver and copper was dependent on where the cable was used. I chose the silver Truth interconnects and the copper Truth digital cable even though I ke...