

Responses from geoffkait

New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
This ain’t my first rodeo, cowboys. 🤠 I am not (rpt not) disputing there are audible improvements right out of the gate with product. I got on board the whole contact enhancer train 🚂 way back when Ronnie Raygun 🔫 was in office. What I was objecti... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Color me skeptical.🙄 Do you guys mean to tell me that you make no changes to the system or add any tweaks to your systems in all that time, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, whatever? I don’t think I ever heard of audiophiles who are that patient, who do nothing ... 
The Harbeth phenomenon
Rogers LS3/5a’s are not dynamic and their efficiency is very low and they have no low bass. The internal crossover is more like a small amplifier and sucks up a lot of power. And Rogers LS3/5a’s really do sound best with tube electronics. Plus the... 
How important is the rack you use for your components
Uh, Bobby, you’re the name caller. You’re just like your mentor, he got mad, too, when it was revealed how utterly backward the whole coupling argument actually is. “Let the vibrations be free to travel wherever they want to.” 😀 😀 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
You think you’re cheap?! My whole system cost $10. Hel-loo! Not counting tweaks, which are prolly $10K or something. I’m not hot dogging you. 🌭 
Classical Music for Aficionados
The Reiner Chicago Ein Heldenleben is not exactly chopped liver. In fact it was the first stereo RCA Living Stereo recording, 1954. 
How important is the rack you use for your components
Robert, I am well versed in the There’s no such thing as isolation school of thought you belong to. I dealt with your brother in arms and Grand Poobah of The School of Coupling, Michael Green, over on Stereophile forum at length on many subjects. ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
You’re welcome. 
Article about us Audiophiles: 'Audiophilia Forever'
What? Whoa! Hey, where’s all the snarky comments? You know, high end fuses, directionality of wire, Graphene, cryogenics, things of that nature. 
Is my Amp OK?
Oh, brother! willemj strikes deep into the heart of the manipulative, deceitful, Snake Oil lubricated High End Audio establishment. Thanks for protecting naive and gullible audiophile newbies from these charlatans from Hades. 🤑 I shoulda kept my K... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Uh, oh, looks like Revenge of the Nerds II Nerds in Paradise will be showing all weekend. Get out your popcorn and Milk Duds. 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
On the 16th week to the day the Earth’s magnetic field flipped 180 degrees and Frank flipped his gizzard. 😬 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
perfectpathtech wrote,”On the 8th week to the day, phone rang and Frank was a very happy camper. The 8th week must be experienced, no amount of words can convey what takes place.”No amount of words? Not even the compete works of William Shakespear... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
What I think we might need here is a brief tutorial on how the internet works. 🤠 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I actually don’t feel the same way. I welcome dissenters, whether they’re sincere or not. After all sometimes you can’t tell the trolls from the shills without a scorecard. Or the real skeptics from the pseudo skeptics. And sometimes, there’s a ve...